Have you ever truly taken a moment to consider how absurd it is that a resident of one state cannot purchase a handgun from a licensed firearms dealer in another state, even though the prospective buyer would still need to pass the same federal background check as required in their home state?
I’ve puzzled over this numerous times over the years, mainly because there is absolutely no logic behind such a restriction. Now, the good folks at the Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) are taking action on it.
On January 21, the FPC filed a lawsuit, Elite Precision Customs v. ATF, challenging federal laws prohibiting licensed firearm dealers from selling handguns to out-of-state buyers.
“FPC and our courageous co-plaintiffs are proud to take on the federal government and fight forward to bring this evil ban scheme to its end,” FPC President Brandon Combs said in a press release announcing the action. “This important case is part of our broader strategic litigation efforts to eliminate laws that deny the right of peaceable people to exercise their right to acquire, possess, and carry arms while outside their state of residence. Through this case and others, we look forward to eliminating these immoral regulatory schemes once and for all.”
The complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas on behalf of two individual FPC members and firearms retailer Elite Precision Customs, stated: “This lawsuit challenges the federal ban on interstate transfers of handguns from federally licensed dealers to individuals who are otherwise eligible to purchase and possess a handgun for lawful purposes but cannot purchase directly from a dealer because they do not live in the same state as the dealer.”
As the lawsuit explains, under federal law, it is a crime for an individual to “transport into or receive in the State where he resides . . . any firearm purchased or otherwise obtained by such person outside that State,” unless the transfer was by “bequest or intestate succession.” Federal law also bars licensed federal firearms dealers from selling firearms to individuals who do not reside within the state in which a dealer’s place of business is located.
“The only way to purchase a handgun from an out-of-state dealer is to arrange and pay for that dealer to ship the handgun to an in-state dealer, at personal cost and substantial delay, to complete the transfer,” the lawsuit states. “This imposes a hardship on Plaintiffs Herron and Blish, who frequently travel and wish to purchase handguns directly from licensed dealers without having to coordinate transferring them to an FFL in their home states. It also imposes a hardship on customers and prospective customers of Elite Precision, who are sometimes individuals who live outside of Texas and who either have to forego purchases or coordinate a purchase through a middleman FFL in their home state.”
Ultimately, FPC seeks a court declaration that the law is unconstitutional under the Second Amendment and requests a permanent injunction against its enforcement.
“The government’s ban preventing firearm dealers from selling handguns to people that reside in other states is unconstitutional,” said Cody J. Wisniewski, president of the FPC Action Foundation. “The ban has no historical support and cannot be justified under Supreme Court precedent. We look forward to demonstrating that in court.”
Ummm…I’v e gotten at least 7 handguns at Indiana gatshops. Shipped to ILLannoy shops.However I see absurd transfer fees in the last years and now I don’t save a dime. And prices are quite comparable now without any hassle. YMMV
I agree with you, FWW. If I make a purchase from out of state it’s usually because I can’t find a particular item in my home state. And, I’m not far from Tennessee in one direction and just moderately farther from Mississippi or Georgia in other directions. When I travel I like to check out gun shops as one never knows what one may come across. After shipping costs and transfer fees are included any potential savings that may have been realized evaporate.
Well, FWW, I replied to you but, it got moderated and apparently didn’t pass muster. Why not I have no clue as it was an innocuous reply. Let’s try again. In a nutshell, I replied that I agree with you. After shipping costs and a transfer fee any potential savings by purchasing out of state, and still subject to the same NICS check, that may have been realized evaporate. I’m still puzzled why my reply was under moderation and then disappeared. TTAG is getting real screwy.
I think you can buy long guns in a state that you do not reside in.
Just buy a shotgun( I got one just like Joe Bidens) then when you get home saw the barrel back to six inches and add a pistol grip.
See , there, all perfectly legal. No problem.
It’s the same bs background check federally so what exactly is the reasoning for this law?
Why does it matter where I fill out the 4473?
100 yards or 1000 miles from my home the form is the same, my address is the same.
Not that I agree with nics,, I don’t, but it is county wide so the sale of guns should be to.
The Reload – The GOP’s 2025 Gun Plans (Ft. Rep. Richard Hudson) | Full Podcast.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHWnGCqZTq0
Believe it or not there is a patchwork of states that can/will ship to some states and not others for both handguns and longarms regardless of local laws
The entire FFL system got upended in 1968 and turned into the horror show that we have today. Unless, or until, we eliminate the entirety of the current FFL/ATF/State controlled systems we have and just get back to pre-1926 gun control, we’ll just keep playing games.
No…I dont honestly think the cowards we have in DC and the states will do that.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that this is little more than Federal Law designed to ENABLE and ENFORCE the “may issue” mindset that had been allowed to fester over the years.
The Feds did not want to disturb any of the states that employed that “good ol’ boy” network of local officials and law enforcement agents who ultimately held your “right” to keep and bear arms in the whims of their own little hands.
As noted, now that “may issue” is dead, so is the unethical justification (even if it was a secret) for interstate handgun transactions.
What Should You Say to 911?
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5f3mvRL4Kk
Hello 911, yes , like do you have the number of Billy Joe Bob’s Backhoe and Excavation Service?
I support No State line restrictions. There are also States that don’t use NICS as the primary and use their (a) State Agency for the background check. So these further isolated “States” may have additional areas of nonrecords for persons residing outside of the desired purchase State.
It’s only twenty seven words for a reason.
President Trump’s powerful statements at Davos about debanking concerns will have great and positive effects upon the 2A community as explained by Mark Smith Four Boxes Diner.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkQ_rlX2IN8
Trump Puts Bank Of America ON BLAST…
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjfZJ6HAE0M
Dismantling the Biden left-wing marx- ist soci- alist deep state continues, more strategic strikes: President Trump has dismissed 17 inspectors general.
Firing inspectors general is not unprecedented.
That said, firing an inspector general is rarely without controversy, though in Barack Obama’s case, the controversy was justified. In 2009, Obama fired Inspector General Gerald Walpin to protect a political ally. Walpin had been investigating Obama’s friend and donor, Kevin Johnson, who had misused federal AmeriCorps funds by funneling them into his personal nonprofit, using the money for political activities, and even paying hush money to underage girls who had accused him of sexual abuse.
After Walpin recommended charges against Johnson, Obama fired him—blatantly violating federal law, which requires proper notice and a written explanation to Congress before removing an inspector general. When Congress launched an investigation into the illegal firing, the Obama White House stonewalled, withholding critical documents and misleading lawmakers about the true reasons for Walpin’s termination.
Reports suggest that Trump did not notify Congress of his decision to fire the inspectors general, as required by law. As a result, the terminations may need to undergo additional legal review and procedural steps before they are finalized. But based on Susan Crabtree assessment of these IGs, it’s clear that these deep staters needed replacing.
h ttps://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2025/01/25/trump-made-a-big-move-against-the-deep-state-n4936359
UPDATE: …deportations are happening … and in a shocker revelation, media caught lying about Mexico refusing deportees…. left wing democrat Governor of Arizona Katie Hobbs defiant, Trumps border czar Holman says hes going to put her in jail if she interferes or obstructs etc…
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmoV7YbW5cw
Trump’s State Department Responds to NBC (fake) News Story About Mexico Denying Deportation Flight. (note: It wasn’t denied. The flight proceeded as planned, but there was an administrative hiccup that was quickly resolved.)
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2025/01/25/that-mexico-denying-a-deportation-flight-might-be-fake-news-n2651151
Mass Deportation Raids Have Begun in Los Angeles.
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/mattvespa/2025/01/25/deportation-raids-have-begun-in-los-angeles-n2651153
Chicago neighborhood turned ‘ghost town’ amid deportations.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OE7c7JmnX4g
Remember ‘Mostly Peaceful Protests’? Check Out the Media’s New Narrative for Covering Anti-Trump Violence.
“All week long, Antifa in Portland have been rampaging over President Donald Trump retaking the White House. In response to Trump’s inauguration, Antifa militants attacked an ICE facility, smashed up an elections office, and vandalized downtown Portland businesses.
However, how local media covered the multi-day uprising would have you believe it was a “mostly peaceful” protest that got a little too “intense.”
“The united calls for justice continued for hours, but then a march broke out, which led the protest to change from peaceful to intense,”
h ttps://townhall.com/tipsheet/miacathell/2025/01/24/antifa-peaceful-to-intense-media-coverage-n2651031
“Breaking: In a third criminal direct action within 24 hours in Portland, Ore., Antifa shut down the streets in downtown following an anti-Trump rally at the waterfront.
The masked militants, who were organized with teams on foot and bicycles acting as onlookers and those who illegally halted traffic, began vandalizing property. They tried building up momentum to smash windows and start fires, as they did in 2020.
The @PortlandPolice
quickly arrived after 7 p.m. and shut down the direct action. They made a few arrests.
I recognize some of the people there. John Hacker, pictured below and who attacked me violently before, was there with his comrades again. He has a pending assault case in Clackamas County for a recent bloody attack.
This criminal Antifa direct action follows the @ICEgov
facility attack the night before and the smashing up of the Multnomah County Elections office.”
h ttps://x.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1881915324636823883