Screenshot of Donald Trump Being Sworn In as President of the United States...again.

Donald Trump was sworn in just moments ago at noon, Jan. 20, 2025, as the 47th president of the United States, marking the start of a new chapter in American politics. Gun owners and Second Amendment advocates are optimistic under the new leadership that policies that prioritize firearms ownership rights and enhance self-defense protections will become the norm, not the exception. During his campaign, Trump pledged to champion national concealed carry reciprocity and protect the firearm industry from overreach. Supporters hope his administration will deliver legislative victories that reaffirm constitutional freedoms and contribute to a safer, more prosperous nation.


    • jwm,

      My e-mail address that I have used for over 10 years at this site is also banned for the last several days.

      • There is something screwy going on with the log in. It has been requiring you check I am not a robot and sometimes pick the correct pictures in the boxes. This time when I went to the site I didn’t even have to log in to comment.

  1. In general it is wise to manage our expectations.

    Here is what we can probably expect in terms of new firearm legislation which supports/expands our right to keep and bear arms:

    President Trump
    Hit-or-miss (no pun intended) support

    U.S. House of Representatives
    Hit-or-miss (no pun intended) support

    U.S. Senate
    Zero support due to U.S. Senate’s self-imposed “Cloture Rule” **

    ** The U.S. Senate’s Cloture Rule requires at least 60 U.S. Senators to vote for discussion of a proposed bill before at least 51 U.S. Senators can vote whether or not to actually pass the bill. This high hurdle means that virtually all proposed legislation never passes the U.S. Senate. (Note that the Cloture Rule does not apply to federal budget bills because the U.S. Senate is never able to get 60+ U.S. Senators to agree on a federal budget.)

    • It can’t be a stand alone bill. That’s why they never operate that way. You have to slide it into some funding that Dems want. You have to make deals. Suppressors should be an easy layup. Removing SBR/SBS will be more difficult. People will need to be educated on this subject. We already have proof that they don’t pose a unique threat due to all of the brace-equipped “pistols” and Shockwave type firearms that have been sold.

    • Chris T in KY,

      Speaking of liberal tears, does anyone have any new video of Pr0gre$$ives screaming in inconsolable horror at the moment of swearing-in?

    • No tears here, Iā€™m glad the war in Ukraine is over, right?

      ā€œBefore I even arrive at the oval office, I will have the horrible war between Russia and Ukraine settled. It will be settled quickly. It will take me no more than one day.ā€ DJT

      Somehow though, Iā€™ve missed the news stories about the armistice in Ukraine, could someone provide a link with the details about the settlement of the war in Ukraine engineered by Donald Trump, thanks!

  2. While watching the ceremony, the commenter mentioned that this time, numerous top fashion designers offered their designs for Melania to wear, compared to just one in 2016.

    As they should, she’s legitimate super-model material. Hopefully, this means they are gonna dial way back on the hate this time…

    • As previously mentioned, my first thought is Spy vs Spy.

      And she actually was a super model. The magazines that previously put her on covers completely snubbed her after Trump ran for president. It’d be nice for to get a fraction of the respect that Michelle gets despite Michelle’s classless put downs and hatred for America, or how about secret president Dr. Jill? Democrats aren’t known for their acceptance and inclusion outside of the gaslighting talk.

      • respect from karens is like a gummer from janet reno.
        trunk is not singing “you can leave your hat on” tonight.

      • Don’t underestimate Melania. She was criticized previously for her accented English, but she is Croatian by birth and speaks at least 5 more languages. At least 5 more than most people can.

        • … 6 more. You must have forgotten that the average American completely sucks at speaking (and writing) their own language.
          We mainly have The Dumbing Down of Curricula in schools to thank for that.

    • ā€œWhile watching the ceremonyā€¦ ā€œ

      Iā€™m hoping someone can shed some light on why Donald Trump would not touch the Bible during his inauguration.

      ā€œTrump does not swear on Bible during inauguration, no impact on oath
      By Reuters
      January 20, 20256:37 PM ESTā€œ

  3. After four years of communist rule through the puppet that was Jose Biden, a return to sanity and responsibility that will make America first in the world. My advice to Dems: “Embrace the suck”. It will take 8 to 12 years to fix the damage Biden has done to America. Dems reign of corruption and suppression is over. Freedom at last.

      • they are already looking into invalidating his swearing in under the constitution because his swearing in started 2 minutes late and not at 12 noon.

          • While it is common for incoming presidents to place their hand on a Bible while taking the oath of office, it’s not a legal requirement.


            Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states that “all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.”

            It is neither a legal or Constitution requirement that the hand be on the bible.

            But, First lady Melania Trump held two Bibles – one given to President Trump by his mother when he was a child, and the Lincoln Bible, which was used at Abraham Lincoln’s 1861 inauguration.

            Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts directed President Trump to raise his right hand and repeat after him as First Lady Melania Trump was still approaching with the Bibles. She arrived next to her husband a moment later, before he began reciting the oath of office.

            • Roberts didn’t wait for Trump’s family to get into position. Notice them scrambling. That was intentional. Roberts is an ass.

          • Even if his hand wasn’t on the Bible, he still took the oath, and the God of Heaven bore witness, and will hold him accountable for keeping it

      • The “traditional democrats” throughout the bureaucracy will delay, obfuscate, and willfully ignore any directives they don’t agree with. Public sector unions will keep them indefinitely employed.

    • ā€œIt will take 8 to 12 years to fix the damage Biden has doneā€œ

      You may be right, but Trump has already halted Bidenā€™s attempt to lower prescription drug prices:

      ā€œTrump rolls back effort to lower Medicare, Medicaid drug costs
      Provided by Dow Jones Jan 22, 2025 4:22am
      By Jessica Hall
      The executive order halts an effort to cap the copayment for generic medications at $2 for Medicare beneficiaries

      President Donald Trump, in signing dozens of executive orders on Monday, rescinded an effort by former President Joe Biden to lower drug costs by directing Medicare and Medicaid to test models that would bring down prescription-drug prices and make cell- and gene-therapy treatments more accessible.ā€

      That will really help the average American!

  4. Lets all remember Pardons relate to criminal charges. BUT if the new Executive decides to revoke their professional protection (as many police and other officials have seen) then we can watch as the American Legal system begins to destroy them financially.

    Imagine Fauxci fighting multiple individual personal injury and malpractice lawsuits….LOL

    • Notice how the Puppet’s unprecedented pardon of his family members goes back to Jan 1, 2014. That’s because they’re implicated in the Biden family money laundering schemes.

      • One of the interesting pardons is General Mark Milley, since the Supreme Court has said that accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. Does the 5th Ammendment protect them from testifying since they have essentially admitted guilt? Can Milley be denied his pension?

        • “Does the 5th Ammendment protect them from testifying since they have essentially admitted guilt?”


          Pardons remove the individuals’ ability to invoke their fifth amendment rights, most notably those protecting against self-incriminating testimony, if subpoenaed to testify in the future. If a pardon had been accepted, a recipient would not be able to plead “the fifth” because there would be no threat of incrimination.

          • What would happen if when the court guy says ” You promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth under penalty of law” and the defendant says , ” No.”

        • …..more to the point of 5th doesn’t apply would perjury be a applicable if they were compelled to testify regarding their various dirty deeds to implicate others involved and didn’t cooperate?

  5. So now the liberals can agree with me now. National divorce.

    They can go and let the shrubs burn their homes and cities to the ground. And Because a spotted owl is more important than logging the forest. And clearing the brush and dead wood.

    They can let it “burn baby burn.” As the use to say when I was kid.

    Unfortunately most conservatives and libertarians don’t understand. The Liberals really do believe in letting california burn to the ground. They complain about over population.

    It’s the at:h.eis;t Liberals who first complained about the bedroom activities of civilians. Because they don’t like human reproduction.

    And they still complain about the sexually activities of Christians who they complain have too many children. And the complain about Christian gun ownership. And complain about guns in churches.

    • iHeartRadio is pushing some kind of “concert” event for the victims of the wildfires.

      I get what you’re saying about how liberals want to de-populate California.

      But my concern is that we start raising millions and millions for Cali, WITHOUT Cali changing its behaviors.

      I don’t want to see people suffer. But we still have people on the Eastern Seaboard who are living in tents because as a group, they are not democrats, plus people in Flint, Michigan, also not so liberal, who can’t drink the water from their taps, and don’t forget the suffering community of East Palestine.

      Giving money to California, without a change in behavior, is counter-productive, if you ask me. And I don’t care if it’s tax money or donations. I have my rules.

      • I don’t want a single penny spent on rebuilding california. Until they replace the governor and every incompetent le;s”bi@:n and non le:s:bi@n; in any position of authority in the state.

        We would be real fools to give more money to proven demonstrated incompetent leadership in california.

        They have not suffered enough. They have not had enough pain inflicted on them. Let them suffer longer. Only then will they vote to change things for the better.

        They are drunk on power on california.

        • I have seen on tv that wildfire-displaced Californians have nowhere affordable to stay until they are allowed back to see what’s left of their smoldering ruins.
          In a huge humanitarian gesture, I’m offering to let one of those families to use, at no charge, the pop-up camper currently parked in my back yard. – where it’s currently minus 21 degrees, a wind-chill of minus 39 degrees, and scattered power outages with the entire state of Mn. under an “Extreme Weather Advisory”… drive carefully, and leave your west-coast lib bullshit in the smoking ashes before you leave if you’re on your way.

        • You said “Itā€™s the at:h.eis;t Liberals who first complained about the bedroom activities of civilians”

          Yet you’re the one who constantly, incessantly, repeatedly harps about “legal butt sex”.

      • MoooFarts, ban the MoooFarts.
        Thank goodness hippo’s asses are under water.
        Bubble bubble toils and trouble.

  6. Finally we have a President who has learned the hard way to understand that the United States is a Constitutional Republic, not a Democracy.

  7. In the mean time our reliable friends of Marx & Mao brought a prop to the DC Mall in a French Revolution style protest.
    h ttps://

  8. I never thought it would happen.
    I did enjoy watching Mr Biden leave.
    His escorts should have had him in chains and the plane he boarded should have been stenciled Department of Corrections.
    God Bless America
    God Bless Donald J Trump
    America’s future begins today.

  9. I don’t have to “wait and see” when biden/harris were manure to the 2A. POTUS DJT said Law and Order so it’s safe to assume those who criminally misuse anything they get their hands on will be dealt with accordingly.

    TRUMP/VANCE…Today I am one Thankful Happy Camper.

    • Happy, you bet, this emotional hard ass got tears of joy watching the inauguration.
      I’ am proud to be an American again.
      Hip Hip Hoorah

    • I enjoyed the military bands and the military choirs. And “God Bless America” was just stunning. Carrie Underwood did a great job singing it a capella, and I don’t think that was the original plan.

  10. Woo Hoo! Just got home from planting freedom seeds. Feel good. Tried out 9mm reloads from 2A warehouse and they worked perfectly. Accurate and reliable IMHO. ‘Merica f#ck yea!

  11. (Langley Outdoors Academy) “BOMBSHELL UNCOVERED: I Am PISSED At USCCA & This Changes EVERYTHING For Me.”

    (note: for this summary gonna use ‘allegedly’ and ‘alleged’ here even though maybe not) AOR ‘allegedly’ hid (didn’t disclose) ‘facts’ in its critique of USCCA, Marc Victor, guy who created and runs and heads AOR, is ‘allegedly’ part of the anti-gun ‘industry’ – ‘alleged’ manipulation of facts by AOR to influence and manipulate public opinion – actual court documents not disclosed by AOR ‘allegedly’ substantiating Kyla Giles in effect ‘premeditated’ just as USCCA claimed (Note: Giles was convicted of second degree indicating no ‘premeditated’, and obstruction of justice, but she did commit acts which are ‘premeditated’ in nature according to court documents.)

    h ttps://

  12. Trump Yanks Security Clearances Of Intel Officials Who Spread Disinformation About Hunter Bidenā€™s Laptop.

    “President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Monday night revoking the security clearances of 51 former intelligence officials who falsely claimed emails from Hunter Bidenā€™s laptop were Russian ā€œdisinformationā€ to help Joe Bidenā€™s 2020 election prospects. The directive also pulls the security clearance of John Bolton, who served as national security advisor in Trumpā€™s first term.


    h ttps://

      • yes

        Like Biden did for violent offenders, ya know, known and convicted actual rapists and murders and terrorists.

        Trumps executive order granted ā€œfull, complete, and unconditional pardonsā€ to roughly 1,500 people and commuted the sentences of another 14. The total number of defendants charged is 1,583.

        While the pardon eliminates convictions for those who already served jail time, Trump ordered any of these prisoners still incarcerated to be released immediately just hours after he characterized his inauguration at the Capitol as ā€œliberation day.ā€

        • ‘QAnon Shaman’ Plans to Celebrate Pardon in Most American Way Possible.

          “The so-called QAnon Shaman–the dude roaming through the Capitol wearing buffalo horns–became the most recognizable figure from January 6th. It’s kind of hard not to when you’re running around DC shirtless in January and wearing a headdress that looks like you’re cosplaying as a Flintstones character.

          Like a lot of people from that day, he found himself in hot water on federal charges. He was convicted of a felony, stripping him of his gun rights for life.

          Only one thing could have helped him, and that was a presidential pardon. While President Joe Biden opted to pardon his family, traitorous generals, and lying medical advisors, among others, he was never going to pardon any of the January 6th bunch.

          However, his gun rights are now fully restored. Legally, he can buy guns right now, though it’s probable that it’ll take some time to get into the NICS database. Still, he’s cleared and can buy firearms.

          h ttps://

          • glad he’s out. there are a small handful who maybe should not be yet.
            one bright spot, if i’m correct, is that biden did not pardon ray epps.

  13. Dear Lord, in Jesus Christ’s name we pray to you. Please protect Donald Trump and his Cabinet from the Evil One and his minions. Give them the strength and fortitude to bring Satan’s minions to justice with long prison terms. Amen!

    • It’d be nice but I think Jesus is kinda into the separation of church and state thing.
      Didnt he say My kingdom is not of this world?
      Two assassination attempts so far.
      Don’t stand,
      don’t stand so close to me.

  14. Gotta wonder what happened to that National reciprocity we were supposed to get by executive order DAY ONE?!?! I hear Bondi is not near as Pro 2A as they want us to believe.


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