Home Fun and Games Die Fire Extinguisher! Die! Fun and GamesGun NationRifles Die Fire Extinguisher! Die! By Robert Farago - January 26, 2011 3 Facebook Twitter Pinterest WhatsApp Email RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR AR Builds: The KE Arms 6.5 Grendel Federal’s New 7mm Backcountry: Redefining Magnum Performance in Compact Rifles European Hunting Culture and Suppressors: What American Hunters Can Learn 3 COMMENTS That was boring and I love all 50’s. Where’s the gun? Granted. I swapped it out for another one. Was it my imagination, or was that a Savage 99? Comments are closed.
That was boring and I love all 50’s. Where’s the gun?
Granted. I swapped it out for another one.
Was it my imagination, or was that a Savage 99?
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