If you have any doubt whether the Democrat Party learned anything from its devastating loss of the presidency, U.S. House and U.S. Senate during the 2024 elections, you now can set those doubts aside. Instead of realizing just how outside the American mainstream their leftwing party platform is, Democrats doubled down on tone-deaf with their recent election of David Hogg as party vice chairman.
Hogg, 24, a totally unlikeable liberal activist who made himself a household name after surviving a mass murder at a school in Florida, will serve as a major party figurehead alongside three other vice chairs and newly elected party chair Ken Martin.
“It’s time we stop surrendering, go on offense, and take the fight to Donald Trump and every single Republican who is gutting our rights, attacking workers and rigging the system for the wealthy and well-connected,” Hogg wrote.
Florida Democrats were thrilled that one of their own was elected to the vice chair position, posting on X: “Congratulations to our new DNC Vice Chair, David Hogg—a fellow Floridian and the first member of Gen Z to hold this role. His passion and perspective will help energize young voters and shape the future of the Democratic Party.”
Hogg was backed in his bid for the vice chairmanship by Democrat “superstars” Rep. Eric Swalwell and former Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz, both equally as unlikeable as Hogg himself. Just imaging Hogg and Walz taking the stage together at a major Democrat function in the future. Could there be anything that could cause more people to flip to another channel than that duo?
A Hogg/Swalwell appearance, of course, would be equally “captivating.” Still, Swalwell went all-in for Hogg.
“From taking on the gun lobby to mobilizing millions of young people nationwide, he knows how to build movements that win,” Swalwell wrote in a statement on X.
Of course, Hogg has been “taking on” the “gun lobby” for years, and so far hasn’t won a damn thing. His screeching, whining and perpetual anger have led to defeat after defeat in the Second Amendment arena, which will likely only increase during the Trump Administration.
His terrible personality aside, Hogg’s gross misunderstanding of the American people, politics and the Second Amendment are likely among the worst of Hogg’s many faults. As we reported back in 2023, despite U.S. Supreme Court precedent, Hogg doesn’t even believe that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms.
“You have no right to a gun. You are not a militia,” he tweeted at the time. “When you’re talking about your Second Amendment rights, you’re talking about a state’s right to have what is today the National Guard. The modern interpretation of 2A is a ridiculous fraud pushed for decades by the gun lobby.”
Hogg’s longtime opponent, the National Rifle Association, probably put it best in summing up Hogg’s perfect fit with the DNC after he announced he would run for vice chairman.
“Ultimately, an official position for Hogg with the DNC seems extremely on-brand for those who helped blow over a billion dollars on a failed presidential campaign,” NRA-ILA said in a news alert. “They cozied up to Hollywood elites, legacy media hacks, and radical, far-left activists and organizations while abandoning what had been a major constituency of their party for so long—hardworking Americans.
“Having an impetuous kid with little real-world experience other than several years of railing against the Second Amendment with his hands on the purse strings seems like a recipe for disaster. But we are more than happy to see the DNC take the risk on Hogg.”
I’m happy the DNC snagged David Hogg. I can’t see a better representative.
Some of you may be surprised at this, but I personally have empathy for Hogg – we share in common that we both survived the same school shooting, due to the fact that neither of us were actually there.
Okay, that was //sarc.
…. can’t stand the little creeper
That was funny.
Good one.
okay, ya got me for a moment. well done!
He did not survive a mass shooting. He was not there until the shooting was over.
He was there, in a different part of the campus that was no where near the shooting and he was never in any danger, but he was there. He went home to get his phone and came back because he knew he could be an attention wh*re about it.
The attempted slur of “for the well connected” is hilarious given his full ride to Harvard and Bloomberg billions he gets as spokesman for whatever that group of money laundering tw*rps calls themselves.
Uncle Mike is now getting a return on his investment.
Yeah, but I read that Barack’s filing for divorce…
These are fundraising jobs. Gonna guess Davey has some “special skills” when it comes to working the marks.
The Kamala campaign out raised the DNC. It isn’t just fundraising. The DNC crafts the party platform. That makes it hilarious that they chose Hogg. His politics are stuck in 2020 (defund police and abolish ICE – and of course, gunz bad). The political culture has made quite the shift since then. He’s out of touch, just like most Dems.
“The Kamala campaign out raised the DNC. It isn’t just fundraising. The DNC crafts the party platform.”
The 1.5 BILLION in fundraising was the hard work of one Chinese-American woman, Lindy Lee. She was royally *pissed* at what the Harris campaign did with the one BILLION dollars she raised, and demanded accountability for it. The Leftist Scum ™ went on full attack mode, going as far as accusing her of being a plant, a Chinese spy.
Big. Mistake. Lee’s family escaped Mao’s ‘cultural revolution’ after they executed her grandfather. She was so pissed by all the gang-hate directed at her for just asking for accountability, she’s now employed by our side. They royally fucked up trying to screw her… 😉
I heard her complaining about Kamala and dems, but I didn’t know she switched teams. That’s incredible. The list of defectors keeps growing as they brag about getting Kinzinger and Cheney.
Right now, on the evening news, they are reporting on how USAID was shut down, mentioning all the kids that will starve.
USAID isn’t shut down, but the doors are locked, to stop the destruction of evidence Musk and the SpaceX engineers are uncovering of mass waste in the huge database of that agency, like, LITERALLY – Drag shows in a South American country, being disguised as critical aid.
They are scared shitless of what will be uncovered in the very near future… 🙂
Wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the summer of love riots involved money from here that was put out as grants to various lefty groups…… Or much of the smuggling/human trafficking of illegal aliens for that matter.
I said at the time it looks like a colour revolution which the
see I aUSAID has been accused of funding. At the time, Mynr49r said I must have spelled it that way because I was a foreigner lol.He did seem to attack a lot of true but inconvenient bits of info with stunning alacrity. Made it convenient to figure out which aspects of the conspiracy theory to explore further.
Much like he now sees Nazis everywhere he looks, back then he accused everyone of being a Russian troll.
I love the Hogg, he’s a great salesman, he talks, people buy.
Perfect Dim choice!
Hoggboy is VICE-chair. The guy they elected to be in charge of the whole show is Ken Martin formerly head of the Mn. DFL – the guy that wrote script and helped ViceLoser candidate Tampon Tim play up his brilliant “gun guy” retarded Elmer J Fudd persona.
So yes, perfect choice.
Oh wow.
Not much of a change from the views and actions we endured under the O’biden regime.
When you see a thin, pale, effeminate man…he’s probably a Democrat. Instead of beating him up and taking his woman, or verbally abusing him, why not suggest he address his dangerously low Testosterone levels?
Why, with a daily injection even an NPR editor might stop all the pathetic feeling and start thinking like a man for the first time…
(Note: look up five NPR editors take Testosterone tests)
I can’t find it. Lots of hits on NPR and testosterone, but none about editors getting tested for it, or lack thereof.
Got a link?
He may mean a story This American Life did. It airs on NPR. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/220/testosterone
The next generation of white plantation owners. Meet the new dems. Same as the old dems.
So far after their loss the response is:
More gun control talk.
Vehemently defending wasteful nonsensical spending.
Complain about winding down conflicts.
Complain about securing the border.
Protest the arrests and deportations of murderers and rapists.
Whip up public concern that their conspicuous consumption of future garbage might be reigned in. They’re supposed to the party of the environment, right?
Complain that getting a fair-deal for us is unfair.
Celebrate “Panama First” protests while condemning “America First.”
And plenty more.
PS it’s called 220: Testosterone on This American Life.
You have to monitor SIGINT on the enemy…
I see it now. That was seven years ago, and all the hits are very cluttery and disorganized. I’m not sure I have time to weed through all of this.
I thought he finally went away. Guess not.
Oh well. Not anything to think or worry about.
… and his mom said his underwater basketweaving degree wouldn’t be a marketable skill. I guess he showed her, didn’t he ?
Well this should be fun to watch.
Don’t be too smug, While the DNC looks like a joke, the electorate (the mob) is fickle. Don’t assume just because the Dems are insane people won’t vote for them. They got half the vote in 2024.
“the electorate (the mob) is fickle”
Yep! (But I’m still going to make fun of Hogg.)
Lots of people tend to forget they are lied to, constantly, for decades. Then start listening to the same people that sold them defective products.
Tully is not wrong! Everybody just likes to make jokes right now.
But only one of the pigs was PREPARED for the wolf.
Stay prepared, people.
If you take him at his word the closet he was hiding in was in a building more then half a mile from the building were the murders occurred. He didn’t survive jack.
Genius quotes from the Hogg Boy:
“Like me? I’m never planning on having kids. I would much rather own a Porsche and have a Portuguese water dog and golden doodle,”. “Long term it’s cheaper, better for The environment and will never tell you that it hates you or ask you to pay for college.”
“I think we need to do what Australia did in regards to guns. We need universal healthcare Free college for all Legalize all drugs.
“How radical you ask? I don’t think anybody should have over $1 billion in assets there should be a 100% tax after your first billion,”
“any politician doing anything with me is in effect committing political suicide.”
He’s perfect for DNC “leadership”.
Hogge-tied needs to do more research in what Australia did with gun. In particular a study in populations and demographics. Surely Uncle Mike can provide some researchers for him.
The DNC hasn’t learned a damned thing. They’re going to slide further into irrelevance.
“The DNC hasn’t learned a damned thing.”
Things are about to get real uncomfortable for them when the massive fraud at the USAID is uncovered by Musk’s team of 6 engineers, locked inside the building are done in a few days… 😉
He gots a purdy mouff
Uncle Mike can confirm that.
Holsters, Uncle Mike’s holsters?
Hogg-boy’s sugar daddy Michael Bloomberg.
I know , I just had to plug for Uncle Mike’s holsters 🙂
What will be the consequences of this election?
Nothing the dems can brag about, hopefully.
Electing Hogg is sorta like pissing in the wind.
You can do it but you are going to need a raincoat.
When I read your comment about needing a raincoat, the song “Come Sail Away” came on. I found that hilarious!
The moment d.hogg got his butt hurt…
h ttps://youtube.com/watch?v=4hH4mvlfOVI&feature=shared
“The moment d.hogg got his butt hurt.”
Well the you tube video was nothing I was expecting.
Pornhub maybe?
I’ll try that.
Ahhhh hah, so now I know why he doesn’t want kids.
I had forgotten about that. Thanks for the reminder!
Typical leftist,lying Looney toon. Missed the school shooting altogether. unfortunately he has Bloomberg money. The world will eat this guy for lunch as he won’t debate anyone and use false information to try to get his point across.
Well D Hogg there is the U.S. Constitution and then there is a States Constitution.
Fortunately for many their States allow guns for hunting, the protection of themselves and others, and their property.
David Hogg did not survive the school shooting. He wasn’t at the school during the shooting. In his first interview after the shooting he said that he was at home and heard about the shooting and then rode his bike to the school. Immediately realizing that “surviving a school shooting “ was a better publicity stunt, he began calling hi,self a survivor of a school shooting
This may have already been touched on above but What cracked me up was that everybody at the DNC meeting raised their hand when asked “do we all agree that the reason Kamala lost the
election was due to racism and misogyny” ?
Wtf. They still have not one iota of a clue.
Yes. Yes. Of course. And let’s not forget those times the Democrat presidential primary was lost due to racism and misogyny in 2008 and 2020.
On another site he’s holding up his little girl fist on the end of his toothpick arms. Fight is not a word Democrats like Davy, lawyers and politicians should should use…
because all they are capable of is an easily dismissed argument. Example? Well, we suffer our juvenile mentality Duly Elected’s daily by skipping them.
“Instead of realizing just how outside the American mainstream their leftwing party platform is,…”
“They” are fully aware, and don’t care. If you are not endorsing leftwing beliefs, it is you who is outside.