From Cobalt Kinetics . . .
Five years ago, Cobalt Kinetics of Washington Utah hit the gun market hard and fast with a bold new interpretation of the AR-15. The “Cobalt” became the weapon of choice for the shooter who chose to stand out at the local range, club, or 3-gun match. The Cobalt rifle was marked by aggressive design, flashy colors and some very way-forward technology.
Now, Cobalt Kinetics announces it will be producing a line of handguns. Modular-framed, high-capacity 1911 based handguns. Cobalt indicates that they’ve been discussing the introduction of their own pistol for over 2 years.
Cobalt will be releasing a complete line to include a commander-sized carry pistol, a suppressor-ready tactical pistol, and USPSA competition pistols. While the exact features and details of each model are still being refined, Cobalt insists that they’re willing and able to make good on most any custom request from interested parties. This would indicate that these pistols are being built by hand in a custom fashion rather than being mass-produced on a manufacturing line.

The pistol-smith who is spearheading this endeavor is David Lake. He’s a skilled gun-builder with 19 years of study and on-the-job experience in the craft. He has built competition handguns for world champions in various shooting disciplines. (He’s also got a loyal following as a builder of precision bolt-action target rifles.)
Cobalt confirms that a few pistols have already been released and are out in the world being used by some lucky shooters. The images seen here are in fact photographs- not renderings. These handguns already exist. Cobalt makes no comment about the timeline for delivery of these new handguns, nor will they confirm the prices at this time. It’s expected that like the BAMF rifle, this new product line will be very high end and command a premium at market.
This exciting announcement is accompanied by some somber news. Cobalt Kinetics will discontinue domestic sales of its entire lineup of semi-auto sporting rifles. Production of the BAMF and all its variants like the EDGE, TEAM, RECON, and EVOLVE will soon cease for the United States market. Production efforts will be shifted to manufacturing pistol components.
Vice president and marketing director at Cobalt, Skylar Stewart, commented,
“We are sorry to have to take the BAMF out of production. We all worked tirelessly to create it and get it out into the world and establish and grow the market for the super-premium AR-15. But times change, market demand shifts, and we’re only looking forward. We have really been wanting to expand our offering for a long time and this shift gives us the chance to make good on that plan. Our pistol-smith, Dave Lake, has a lot of experience and has given us a healthy head start on this thing. We’re going to hit the ground running. We plan to break some rules, turn some heads and make our mark on the firearm industry again.”
Cobalt Kinetics still has a standing inventory of new and used rifles. The new guns are exactly that; new boxed inventory, while the used guns are all trade show samples and sales and range demo rifles in various conditions ranging from bearing a few slight handling marks to heavy cosmetic damage from extreme use. This inventory is being offered for sale to any and all with the foresight to get them while you still can.
The Cobalt rifle will surely become a valuable commodity among gun collectors. Cobalt maintains that each of these last 200 new guns will be sold with a full factory warranty. For a list of available rifles, contact Cobalt’s sales team at 435-656-0599 or [email protected].
Modular…..hand fitted
Something does not compute
So in short they are going to sell 4k 1911’s.
Not sell, to be precise. Just like their rifles.
So, Now with both Colbalt and Colt, I’m wondering if it’s the AR market is just too competitive to be profitable in these days, or if it’s succumbing to political fear. I’m leaning more towards the former, at least I’d hope so. The current AR pricing/availability reminds me of the combloc surplus days of the 90s/00s.
I think, in general, it is likely to be the former. Most folks buying an AR are looking to get the basic package at a reasonable price and a “premium” firearm is not what they are searching for. (I put premium in quotes because some high priced ARs are extremely well built firearms and some are selling at a high price due to name recognition – Yes, I’m looking at you Colt.) I would have to include myself in this group of buyers. I have a couple ARs but they are utility and plinking guns. I’m not a competitive shooter, I don’t hunt with my ARs and I have blued steel and walnut pieces that speak more loudly to my collector’s soul than an AR can and, so, my ARs are just guns – I don’t spend large sums of cash on things that are “just guns”.
Colt’s problem actually was silly high mfg cost driving silly high price relative to what could be justified by quality/features/etc. As a result loosing their shirts.
Inexpensive quality basic ARs sell (competitive market on price) and highed ARs continue to sell (competitive market on value/quality/features). So CAPITIALISM – compete or die.
I think they are trembling and bowing to political fear. Everyone saw what happened to Slide Fire Solutions, and the “victory” for 2A in Duncan v. Becerra. They are not in the business of 2A rights, they are in the business of making and selling firearms. With all the talk of banning Constitutionally protected rifles and with the expense of tooling up and maintaining the tooling, the economic risk of a ban even if overruled as Duncan v. Becerra is too severe for a manufacturer on the periphery. Colt because of poor sales to the public of an overpriced product for which they have sufficiently profitable government contracts and Cobalt Kinetics likely because of their limited production capabilities for niche products with small market shares.
Both companies are making business decisions with an eye to profits in the immediate future mitigated by imminent business risks.
Provide the capitalists with a politically favorable environment or face the consequences.
This is all free market capitalism. Socialists stop whining!
Forgot the [sarc] after the first sentence.
I can buy the parts to make a new AR for less than a surplus SKS all said and done. The simple question in my mind is where’s the profit and for the high end where’s the buyers?
Always delighted to see an American gun maker making American guns in America. Even if I could not possibly afford their custom boom sticks, still like seeing this.
Their AR’s look very impressive with some interesting and practical improvements. Still, it was a high end line for people with lots of spare $100 bills laying about. Not at all surprising they are finding the marketplace cannot support them.
The custom 1911 market is a similar boat, tho maybe a larger base of potential customers.
Oh man. I’m running out of places to drop $3k+ on an AR.
Whatever will I do?
At least there’s still Nemo.
good luck.. new company expecting to make top $$.. no one bought there over priced AR’s either
Wrong, Cowboy… We sold several of their rifles and they are darn nice.
Don’t dump on a product you don’t like or can’t afford.
Yeah. Just too expensive to sell enough to make it worthwhile.
Hmm, no grip safeties.
I hope they paid Ttag well for this post.
Clearly they have experience at failed high-end production.
I’ve noticed lately that “staff writer” seems to = sponsored content with regards to product announcements. I don’t really care, but TTAG should at least be honest about it.
Couldn’t make it selling absurdly overpriced gucci ARs, so they’re going to…try to make it selling absurdly overpriced gucci 1911s?
Those don’t appear to be 1911 pistols. What a sham!
I am from Utah, make frequent trips to Washington and love 1911s. I will have to give these pistols a look.
After all, if I remember right, the Legislature anointed the 1911 Utah’s Official Handgun
I’m with you. That thing will stick out like a sore thumb.
I’m with you. That thing will stick out like a sore thumb.
nice article
Speaking just for myself…I’m not really feeling it with these pistols. I’m sure they’ll be great guns, and more power to ’em if they can sell a lot. But I’m not wild about the look.
Supply and Demand. You can quite literally get a Ruger AR-556 for under $500 right now. You’ll see gently used ones for closer to $400 on the secondary market. That rifle will do everything that 95+% of people need it to do. You can get a rifle, quality optic, extra mags and a good amount of ammo and still be under $1k. Heck you can add in a second rifle and still spend less than you’d spend on a Daniel Defense. For most people, the rifle will go to the range occasionally and shoot targets at less than 100 yards. Hard to justify buying a lesser quality rifle that has a pony stamped on the side for twice the price…or a $3-$4k gun
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