Joe Biden angry point gesture
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

School shootings are horrendous events that affect far more people than they should. As tragedies go, the act of a student shooting and killing teachers and other students shows a disrespect for life that is impossible for most of us to comprehend.

The most recent event, where a female student killed a teacher and another student and wounded several others at a Christian School in Wisconsin, is no less tragic. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected.

That said, when cynical politicians seek to politicize such an event to gain ground in the ongoing national debate over gun control, we believe it’s appropriate to point that out. Especially when that cynical politician is the president of the United States, and the laws he touts immediately following the tragedy would have done nothing to prevent that tragedy.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms (CCRKBA) recently blasted Biden for doing just that after the Wisconsin murders.

“With just over one month remaining in his disastrous term, Joe Biden just couldn’t restrain himself from once again rolling out his one-size-fits-all gun control wish list in his statement from the White House,” CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb said in a December 17 news release. “Demanding that Congress quickly pass universal background check (registration) legislation and ban so-called ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high-capacity magazines’ in response to this terrible crime is one of the stupidest, but expected reactions from a career gun prohibitionist whose history of gaffes is legendary.”

As Gottlieb pointed out, the 15-year-old shooter who, incidentally, used a handgun in the attack, was not old enough to legally purchase a firearm.

“Joe Biden knows 15-year-olds can’t legally buy handguns anywhere in this country,” Gottlieb continued, “so a call for background checks is irrelevant. Police have recovered a handgun, which was used in the shooting, so calling for a ban on semi-automatic rifles and their magazines is also irrelevant and dishonest. Indeed, such demands underscore just how irrelevant Joe Biden and his gun-ban agenda have become.”

As Gottlieb pointed out, the attack on the school was truly horrendous. But penalizing those who had nothing to do with it is not a logical way to keep the same from happening in the future.

“We join all Americans in deploring this horrible crime,” Gottlieb said. “But attempting to penalize every law-abiding citizen who owns or may someday wish to purchase a firearm will not undo the tragedy. Biden, and his fellow gun prohibitionists all know the incident in Madison would not have been prevented, even if all of the laws he now wants passed had already been in effect. It is dishonest to suggest otherwise, but, of course, honesty has hardly been the earmark of the Biden administration.”

In the end, Gottlieb believes Biden’s propensity to talk first before thinking, or even without thinking, doesn’t help lead to a solution to the problem of school shootings.

“In the aftermath of this tragedy, common sense and cooler heads must prevail,” he said. “Instead of shooting from the lip, as Biden has done throughout his 50-plus years in politics, we look forward to working with the next administration on rational preventive measures and intelligent solutions, such as armed resource officers and improved mental health counseling, instead of spewing specious sound-bite suggestions which shift blame from the perpetrator to a constitutionally-enumerated fundamental right.”


  1. If there is a language problem at all here, it’s the phrase “prayers go out to…” anything that’s not God.

    When did we start praying “to” families?

    THIS is a serious watering down of our language.

    I’ll read the article in more detail later.

    • My prayers go out to those that I am praying for. My prayers always include my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Stop with the semantics please.

      • But it’s not “just semantics”. Words mean things, and when we persist saying something wrongly like this, we water down the language.

        I could argue that it is our lax treatment of language that has permitted the anti 2A people to get away with rewriting our Bill of Rights, without ACTUALLY rewriting AND RATIFYING these changes as our republic would require.

        “I will pray for you” would be acceptable. “I will remember you in my prayers” would also be fine.

        Even “Prayers for you” would be okay.

        But “Prayers to you”…I’m sorry, no way. That’s like making a law that abridges an amendment that “shall not be abridged”. Or for those of you who are math-oriented, it would be like dividing by zero. Or putting a cat on a vegan diet.

        I know I’m not going to fix this with words in an article comment section. But I’m certainly gong to bring it up. This place is frequented by some super intelligent people, at least so far as I can tell; and you know, some who have even read our nation’s founding documents.

        So I’m here to raise the issue, and I will do so from time to time.

        Think of it as my holiday challenge that goes a bit beyond our typical arguments over calibers or misplaced/extra/missing apostrophes.

        Thanks for listening, and a Merry Christmas to you!

        • American english is a sloppy language, in common usage, which is why we so often hear/read the wildly overused expression, “you know”.

          That phrase is supposed to relieve the speaker/writer of the obligation to think and speak/write clearly.

          Actually, it is a badge flashed around, indicating the speaker/writer doesn’t really know what they are doing.

          • You know, he’s, like, not, like… wrong or something.

            English is sloppy because we allow it to be so. We often hide behind the imprecision of what we say so that we can’t be held accountable for it. That seems to be a cultural thing for Americans because of the litigatious nature of our society.

            In many instances I can tell, both online and IRL, that actual clear, precise speech makes a large number of people uncomfortable, even those who simply witness it and it’s been that way for a long time. Which is part of why some of Richard Feynman’s interviews or speeches go viral from time to time.

            IMHO, this issue is also tied to the fact that people will still get emo AF about practically anything remotely *controversial* that you say regardless of how precisely your statements were worded. That’s even true of things the person getting emo doesn’t actually know fuck-all about. This kind of thing has happened here on TTAG, a lot more than I really care to think about, honestly. It’s gotten to the point at times that one would have to be forgiven for thinking that the behavior is intentional when they witness some of it because it’s just so, you know, egregious.

            The very idea that you can specifically exempt some people from a general statement and then have them interwebz or real-world scream at you about it because you’re being “mean” to them specifically (Bro, I don’t even know you. Calm down.) is patently insane. Yet it is incredibly common everywhere in life and has been for as long as I can remember.

            Personally, I think it’s mostly what might be called a training problem. Others might call it a leadership/example issue.

            Or, maybe as the last several months kind of suggest to me, some shockingly large percentage of people are flat-out stupid and don’t even realize it because they’ve been taught to ignore the signs. The fuck do I know, ya know?

            Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone (and Boxing Day to our Imperial friends) if I’m not back for some long-ish period of time again.

            • “…some shockingly large percentage of people are flat-out stupid and don’t even realize it…

              Because the nation is on the cusp of the fourth generation being raised to remain children; this is the legacy of The Greatest Generation, the bulk of whom came home from Depression and War, proclaiming, “My kid ain’t gonna have it as bad as I did.

            • And to you, Osprey, and all who come here.

              “Love and joy come to you,
              And to you your wassail, too,
              And God bless you, and send you
              A Happy New Year,”

  2. When are we going to talk about the government intentionally replacing the family unit and the intentional promotion of the degradation of our culture?

    Imagine if this school shooter had some public opinions against say immigration or modern feminism. What would the conversation be? There would still be articles and shows carrying on about how toxic those beliefs are. They’d still be bringing it up a year from now. What happens when the shooter has public radical feminist beliefs? They do the cookie cutter gun control routine, then they sweep the incident under the rug and move on. There can never be a conversation about progressives having toxic beliefs.

    • Dude we can have that conversation right here. To bad nobody outside of the gun world will see it.
      Progressives have some of the most toxic beliefs imaginable. Who can say with a straight face let alone believe a male can menstrate or be pregnant? or actually change into a female?
      If they can’t understand the most basic concepts they have no business telling others how to do anything. These are signs of severe mental illness.

      • “Who can say with a straight face let alone believe a male can menstrate or be pregnant?”

        Nobody credible is making that claim.

        “These are signs of severe mental illness.“

        Interesting, that’s my assessment of those who claim the existence of imaginary beings, or that snakes can talk, or that all the saints in Jerusalem rose from the dead and walked the streets.

        • A Democrat witness testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on abortion rights Thursday declared that men can get pregnant and have abortions.

          Aimee Arrambide, the executive director of the abortion rights nonprofit Avow Texas, was asked by Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., to define what “a woman is,” to which she responded, “I believe that everyone can identify for themselves.”

          “Do you believe that men can become pregnant and have abortions?” Bishop asked.

          “Yes,” Arrambide replied.

          Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson could not provide a definition for the word “woman.”

          Not credible? I agree with Miner.

          • Just ask the male to female “transitions” who complain they can’t get pregnant no how much they try.

            Probably the fact they are missing a lot of the necessary plumbing has something to do with it.

            Once again biology triumphs over social politics.

            • “Once again biology triumphs over social politics.”

              Actually, no. Biology that denies belief about ones sex/gender being fluid isn’t science at all, but superstition attempting to hide/deny reality.

              True science acknolodges that a person can assume any identity, personage, reality, anytime they want, and the world at large must accommodate whichever reality exists, for that person, at the moment.

              Why is the obvious so difficult to recognize and tollerate?

          • A genetic female that identifies their gender as male, can indeed become pregnant and birth a baby.

            You clearly don’t understand the nature of ‘gender’ and ‘sex’.

            “Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson could not provide a definition for the word “woman.”

            Obviously, any definition would depend on the context.

            You have fallen into the trap of believing words have an intrinsic meaning.

            Words don’t have a specific meaning or definition, words have usage.

            The meaning/definitions of words change as the times, society and context changes.

            That’s why Latin is used as the language of science, because it is a ‘dead’ language the accepted usage does not change over time, unlike every other ‘living’ language.

              • h ttps://

                The IQ bell curve meme (above) explains Miner’s position. The low IQ guy understands basic concepts. (Heck, a dog or a baby can tell the difference between a man and a woman.) The really smart guy understands, of course. The guy in the middle (Miner) of average intelligence, thinking he’s an intellectual, can’t grasp a simple concept like being able to tell the difference between a woman and a man.

                I’ll break the link on this one so it posts immediately. I’ll post another comment with an intact link that may or may not ever show up. Do yourself a favor and view the graphic.

            • In context with your spewing of a demonstration of your mental illness Miner49er, in reply to others on gender and sex (which from your cherry picking reply you obviously do not understand), the below:

              “You have fallen into the trap of believing words have an intrinsic meaning.

              Words don’t have a specific meaning or definition, words have usage.”

              Trying to force a redefinition of words by claiming words have no meaning and in terms of gender ‘what is a woman’ is simply showing ignorance and mental illness. That’s called ‘untethering’, a disconnect or detachment from reality, its a mental illness condition.

              You are describing part of your mental illness well Miner49er.

              “That’s why Latin is used as the language of science, because it is a ‘dead’ language the accepted usage does not change over time, unlike every other ‘living’ language.”

              See, apparently your mental illness thing also kicked in when you wrote that nonsense. Latin is used in science because the meaning of the words are/were created descriptive from a root meaning as foundational so they have an origin that’s traceable as a foundational standard and in science a traceable standard is used. It is not because its a ‘dead’. language.

              • “Long-winded explanation“

                I’m not sure I would characterize 7 sentences as “long winded”, especially when I consider many of the tl:dr replies who attempt to substitute verbosity for veracity.

              • MinorAnnoyance,

                ” . . . who attempt to substitute verbosity for veracity.”

                PLEASE tell me you didn’t write that with a straight face, Major@$$wipe??? Most of the responses were more compact than your word vomit. And they were “substituting” their shorter, and more accurate, comments for your word vomit, to lay bare your own intellectual vapidity.

                As for “veracity”, why would you insert into the narrative a concept with which you are wholly unfamiliar?? “Veracity” has never been part of your toolbox, MajorLiar.

                If you are incapable of grasping the truth that there are ONLY two sexes in mammals and avians and reptiles, we can’t help you. The first step in healing is realizing you have a problem. XX v. XY – female or male. It ain’t more complicated than that. That you continue this “sex vs. gender” nonsense is simply a demonstration of your derangement.

                NO, you can’t “identify” as something you are not, you brainless cretin. You either ARE, or you are NOT, objectively, one or the other. “I identify as a billionaire.” “I identify as a 6’8″ 275lb. NBA power forward.” Or “I identify as an attack helicopter.” Each stupid on their face, and laughable (UNLESS actually true), but no less deranged than the IDIOT concept that a MAN can “identify” as a WOMAN, when they clearly are not , , , and ANY not-insane observer knows that.

                But, then, delusions and lies are your stock-in-trade, aren’t they MajorMistake?? After all, you spent well over a year, on this site, telling us what a great (p)Resident Senile Joe was, or how great Kamal-toe the Ho was going to be.

                Please go expire in an excavation, MajorLiar.

        • “Nobody credible is making that claim.”

          You are correct in word but not in meaning or context. Nobody credible is making that claim but as usual you don’t know what context is because lots of people like doctors and politicians who pretend to be credible are making that claim.

        • There is a lot more evidence to support the existence of God than there is to support the claim that men can be women.

          There is a lot more evidence to support the existence of Jesus, and that he could have been born to a virgin mother some 2000 years ago than there is that a man could carry a child.

          My God can do anything. If HE had chosen Joseph to carry Jesus, then only HE would have been able to make that happen. But HE chose Mary, so any other argument is nothing more than a moot point of conjecture.

          If you choose not to have faith, that’s okay.

          It’s just a bit preposterous that you do believe in so many things that are wrong.

          But if anything, it just lends more credibility to the old saying, “He who believes in nothing…will believe ANYTHING.”

          I’d wish you a Merry Christmas, but it would be a fool’s errand and would be a wasted effort.

          • “I’d wish you a Merry Christmas, but it would be a fool’s errand”

            Yes, it is foolish to believe the Winter Solstice is the birth of your deity Jesus.

            I have no problem in sending out to you my wishes that you and your family enjoy a happy Winter Solstice, as has been celebrated by humans long before any mention of any particular deity that might try to hijack the holiday by falsely claiming the solstice as the date of the birth of their deity.

            “Humans may have observed the winter solstice as early as Neolithic period—the last part of the Stone Age, beginning about 10,200 BC. Neolithic monuments, such as Newgrange in Ireland and Maeshowe in Scotland, are aligned with sunrise on the winter solstice.“


    • Some people just have a serious desire to kill people, more specifically to shoot and kill. This child may have been one of them.

      • “Some people just have a serious desire to kill people, more specifically to shoot and kill“

        Yes, it’s because of the existence of those people that we must carefully regulate the possession and use of firearms as directed in the second amendment

        • Collective preemptive punishment. Just like Uncle Joe (Stalin) would do.

          How are antifa’s plans for inauguration day going? Is the “popular uprising” going to be spectacular?

          • Oh I believe they will try SOMETHING. If not in DC, then it will be somewhere. Or several somewheres.

            What we need is a few more Mayor Daly types in state and local governments.

            Not the democrat part of it, no. The “shoot to kill rioters” part of it.

            The night will be quiet when the street animals know they will be dealt with permanently for violence.

        • “Yes, it’s because of the existence of those people that we must carefully regulate the possession and use of firearms as directed in the second amendment”

          lol, no. 🤣

          the 2A doesn’t direct regulation of the posession and use of firearms moron Miner49er.

          and no, people do not kill or harm because firearms or the 2A exists.

    • When are we going to talk about the government intentionally replacing the family unit and the intentional promotion of the degradation of our culture?

      We’re not. We’re not ready for that. Maybe in 30 years we will be but we’re not today nor will be we be in the foreseeable future.

      • I agree, “we” are not ready for that yet.

        But the good news (I think) is that we have ticked a few degrees closer to it, especially within the last 6 months or so.

        All things in degrees.

    • Asshole was consigned to the dustbin of history before 2020. Blinkin winking and nod have been running the show for over four years. Treasonous bastards that they are.

  3. I live in Wisconsin. Here’s the deal Biden and media are keeping out of the story. Large school districts including Madison and many private schools like this one ,voted to remove resource officer because a cop in the hall with a gun was scary to child of color, yes that’s right. They even admitted it in the school board meeting. So they only have themselves to blame. So kids ask your parents why they keep voting for libs on school boards. Also they took 27,000 in grant money for private schools. Money spent on lib DEI crap. We need to expose the supposide adults for focusing on the wrong thing. The gun. Lock doors, metal detectors with back pack scanners,and if that scares little Sally until she gets used to the big bad cop….. to bad.

    • Yep. Armed resistance reduces casualties, and the capacity for armed resistance deters attack. Only very stupid people insist that vulnerability conveys security.

      • “…the capacity for armed resistance deters attack.”

        I would like to agree, however….

        If I carry a firearm concealed, how does that deter anyone from violently attacking me?

        Seems that information about the number of firearms carriers would be a deterrent only if the attackers are capable of reading, and capable of deductive reasoning that would display the the risk of being an attacker as obvioulsy a low pay-off venture.

        Dimwitocrats, and liberals, already accept that every non-dimwitocrat is armed and dangerous, but such a “fact” appears to have zero influence with criminals and gangs.

        • “If I carry a firearm concealed, how does that deter anyone from violently attacking me?”

          As the frequency of self-defense instances rises, and the survival rate of bad-guys falls, it so happens that the “possibility” of you carrying can be a deterrent.

          But I do agree with you. I’m pushing for open carry in Florida. I would celebrate by finding myself a holster that same week.

          • “I’m pushing for open carry in Florida.”

            Been reading that open carry invites attacks, and leads perps try to steal the weapon.

            I just stay indoors 95% of the time.

      • “Kid gets scared by a cop? What do they know or what have done to be scared about?”

        You can’t be serious, do you really think police officers don’t harm innocent civilians?

        “Police officers in the US were charged with more than 400 rapes over a 9-year period
        By Eliott C. McLaughlin, CNN
        7 minute read
        Updated 10:46 AM EDT, Fri October 19, 2018

        According to research from Bowling Green State University, police officers in the US were charged with forcible rape 405 times between 2005 and 2013. That’s an average of 45 a year. Forcible fondling was more common, with 636 instances.“

        That’s over 1000 forcible sex crimes by police officers in less than nine years, and you think that’s nothing to be concerned about…

        • Substantially less sexual assault than by public school teachers both in raw numbers and occurrence rate or rape and we are supposed to trust them especially with delicate issues such as gender identity. Bud are you going through something? Your troll posts are going lower quality than they were a few months ago and even that was outsourced to India tier.

          • “Substantially less sexual assault than by public school teachers“

            False equivalence, teachers have personal contact with literally hundreds of children every day.
            Teachers rate of improper contact with students is much lower than police officers.

            You might also know that police officers incidence of domestic violence is much higher than the general population, or teachers for that matter.

            “The most recent research in police domestic violence has shown that officers may perpetrate domestic violence at a higher rate than the general population, 28% versus 16%, respectively (Sgambelluri, 2000)“

            • You are right re false equivalence, teachers actually do it and get convicted for it with far fewer false allegations.

        • Obviously, to you, the police lack sufficient socio-political awareness. No doubt your antifa sourced auxiliaries (or overseers) can remedy that situation.

            • Meritless distraction as you attempt to shift the discussion from sexual assault/rape by police officers (better chance of being struck by lightning) to domestic violence when your original argument gets blown out by basic math?

        • ““Police officers in the US were charged with more than 400 rapes over a 9-year period”

          Illegal immigrants have been charged and prosecuted for more than 38,000 rapes and more than 24,000 murders 2022-2024 according to more recent house hearings on the effects of the Biden-Harris intentionally insecure and open border ‘policies’. These are only the ones that have been caught and prosecuted, there’s another (collectively) ~40,000 that have not been caught. Every one of these caught and prosecuted so far, it turns out, were also caught and prosecuted for the same crimes in their country of origin but their origin country decided to decrease their own prison populations and bussed them to the intentionally open and insecure Biden-Harris border.

          Biden-Harris, by use of the ‘weaponized left wing agenda thirst for chaos and anarchy and power’ with illegal immigrants and the stroke of a pen, as individual people became the greatest mass-killers and mass-rapist in American history. And you Miner49er helped facilitate it all by your unwavering support for and being infected with left-wing mental illness. You literally, Miner49er, voted in favor of murder and rape.

          • “Illegal immigrants have been charged and prosecuted for more than 38,000 rapes and more than 24,000 murders 2022-2024“

            Hilarious, where do you get this stuff? Here are the actual numbers:

            “Total Criminal Convictions by Type
            This table organizes nationwide convictions of criminal noncitizens by type of criminal conduct.
            Manslaughter, homicide:
            FY22-24 120
            Sexual offenses:
            FY22-25 866

            U. S. Customs and Border Patrol

            Criminal Noncitizen Statistics

            The following is a summary of U.S. Border Patrol enforcement actions related to arrests of criminal noncitizens for Fiscal Years 2017 – 2025.

            Records checks of available law enforcement databases following the apprehension of an individual may reveal a history of criminal conviction(s). That conviction information is recorded in a U.S. Customs and Border Protection database, from which the data below is derived.”

            • Compiled from multiple agencies, cities, and states that have been underreporting or not reporting crime information let alone immigration for 4-16 years that we know of?
              LMAO even.

            • “Hilarious, where do you get this stuff? Here are the actual numbers:”

              it recently came out in the house hearings. your numbers are not the ones caught by other than CBP.

              • Sadly, you failed to provide any source documents or cite an article or website that supports your claim.

                “Illegal immigrants have been charged and prosecuted for more than 38,000 rapes and more than 24,000 murders 2022-2024“

              • learn to read Miner49er…

                it recently came out in the house hearings.

                sadly, you posted your ignorance of the subject matter once again.

  4. Liberal parents have indoctrinated their own kids because of the George Floyd thing. Don’t even need to bring up the school system.
    Long are the days when parents set an example of respect for people in law enforcement. It’s getting carried over generationally . I see it in my lib son living in the twin cities. Yes bad apples but more bad civilians.

    • I just posted factual information about police officers involved in crimes against children, it’s awaiting moderation. It will be interesting to ascertain if the post actually makes it onto the public forum.

      • And it was garbage data even for you. Wake me up when it catches up with public school teachers and related groomers.

        • Actually, it just goes to prove how sloppy and lazy miner’s usually cherrypicked “facts” are. Yes, it’s going on 10 to 20 years old, and never updates how many of the charged were ultimately convicted , and as usual it’s from some lib arts college as part of some student’s term paper – that part’s his usual verbal tripe. The surprise part is picking a time period where Obama is directly to blame for over half of the incidents. Yep, definitely slipping dude.

          • “it just goes to prove how sloppy and lazy miner’s usually cherrypicked “facts” are. Yes, it’s going on 10 to 20 years old“

            Nope, the report I cited from USCPB is current, it’s the replies to my post that fail to cite a single source document or reputable statistic.

            And your claim the data I posted is “10 to 20 years old” is just an out-right lie.

              • “post the link“

                You really should try Google, it’s an amazing useful resource:


              • As I thought and to repeat myself: Compiled from multiple agencies, cities, and states that have been underreporting or not reporting crime information let alone immigration for 4-16 years that we know of?
                LMAO even.
                D- see me after class your efforts are disappointingly lacking a comprehensive grasp of the subject matter.

        • “Garbage data”?

          Just because the facts don’t agree with your opinion, got it.


          Final Technical Report
          Award Number: 2011-IJ-CX-0024 National Institute of Justice Office of Justice Program U.S. Department of Justice“

          • Garbage in and garbage out much like your attempts to cherry pick data to meet your ever crumbling agenda. Merry Christmas though may the peace and light of the Lord Jesus Christ lead you to the truth.

      • no one here takes anything you post as factual Miner49er, even when it is. And the reason for that is because you always have an agenda with it, never present it honestly and completely, and you do it to reply to your own cherry picking to use it to troll with.

        • “no one here takes anything you post as factual Miner49er, even when it is“

          Of course not, it makes your head feel squishy when your treasured delusions are challenged by facts.

          Well, at least you’re showing a modicum of honesty so we’re making progress!


    The final legal brief in the Gray vs Jennings 2A case before the Supreme Court was filed. Mark Smith, Four Boxes Diner, analyses the brief.

    h ttps://

  6. I doubt Biden even knew what any of this is about by this time, he probably spends more time now in his own head thinking of ice cream and showering with Ashley then he does thinking of the real world. His decline has been evident over the last four years, and he wasn’t competent enough for the office to begin with. We have literally been without an actual capable president for the last four years, and the country has been run behind the scenes by a combination of staffers, advisors, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi and Jill Biden (all three hate each other), some democrats and and some cabinet members. Joe’s decline has put the country at risk, his presidency is now officially one of the worst and one of the most country-damaging and one of the most incompetent in American history – and the democrats and left wingers who put him in office and supported him did it to use a man in obvious cognitive decline to attempt to gain and hold power to bring about a socia -list mar -xist government. And whats worse is the left wing democrat voters were so easily duped they voted for it, but thankfully with the Nov 2024 election many of those saw it finally and voted Trump instead of a more incompetent version of Joe with Kamala Harris.

    But anyway…. Biden’s Decline Put Americans At Risk. Congress Should Investigate Everyone Who Hid It.

    h ttps://

    • and the left wing media was complicit in covering up Joe’s decline, and left wingers like Miner49er believed everything the left wing media told them with their cover up. And the left wing and Harris and the White House and left wing media even tried to blame it on a ‘conservative deception narrative’, but the whole world could see Joe was not right and was not up to the job, was in obvious cognitive decline, and even foreign leaders mentioned it in one way or another. But now the reports are finally coming out and its being exposed, for example:

      Note Which Corporate Media Hacks Covered Up Biden’s Senility And Never Trust Them Again.

      h ttps://

    • Even Hunter Biden used Joe to get what he wanted. I’m not saying Joe is not a bad person, an evil person, or not a tyrant – because he is so I do not feel sorry for him in that.

      Joe does have his moments where he is either lucid or semi-lucid. According to staffers there’s usually about a 4 hour period in a day when hes lucid enough to pretend to be a president all on his own but serious issues and critical thinking is something he can’t handle so they tend to prop him up and give him stuff that have prepared without any input from him and he basically recites it, and any meetings have to be tightly scripted so Joe doesn’t get confused.

      But back to Hunter, yes, even Hunter took advantage of Joe but Joe knew what was happening and did it willingly.

      Joe Biden Met With Hunter’s Business Associates More Times Than With His Cabinet.

      h ttps://

    • Joe Biden, the president who wasn’t a president, the man who wasn’t there as actual capable president.

      Part of the ‘Antigonish’ poem by William Hughes Mearns also describes Joe Biden in this context …

      “Yesterday, upon the stair,
      I met a man who wasn’t there!
      He wasn’t there again today,
      I wish, I wish he’d go away!

      —- partial quote from the ‘Antigonish’ poem (AKA “The Little Man Who Wasn’t There”) by William Hughes Mearns, 1899″

    • Biden Was Too ‘Mentally Fatigued’ to Take Call From Top Committee Chair Before Afghanistan Withdrawal.

      h ttps://

    • ‘We’re F**ked’: Dem Donor Reveals Her Family Member Knew Dems Were Cooked After Speaking With Joe.


      I mean, better late than never, but we must realize the extent of this cover-up here. The New York Times, The Washington Post, and especially The Wall Street Journal had multiple pieces about Joe Biden’s mental decline. The latter was scorched by the liberal press, only to be proven correct when Joe, degraded and frail as ever, got creamed by Donald Trump in the June CNN debate. The jig was up, and Democrats were left scrambling to replace him. It was an election-killing performance.

      Lindy Li has been a Democratic Party donor and operative who has scorched Earth on her party. She is aghast at the wasted money and shell-shocked that her colleagues thought Kamala Harris would win Iowa. Those moments made her realize this was a fugazi operation, admitting that if the people she had solicited money for the vice president’s war chest had known how it would be spent, they’d never have cut checks for this rat ship.

      Now, the Journal had another lengthy piece about the Biden White House’s cover-up operation, in which aides apparently knew Joe was cooked on day one of his presidency. Li told Fox News’ Kevin Corke that a family member of hers spoke with Biden during an event she had organized in May, walked away, and told her that they were “f**ked” for the upcoming election seeing the president’s declining mental faculties.


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    • ‘I Have a Confession’: CNN Host Makes Long-Overdue Apology.

      “A former CNN host issued a public apology for failing to address outgoing President Joe Biden’s very obvious cognitive decline more seriously during his time at the network. Acknowledging the growing concerns surrounding Biden’s mental acuity, the ex-anchor admitted to downplaying the signs that have become increasingly evident. The apology comes amid reports that Biden has ‘quietly quitted’ his duties as the POTUS during his final days … in

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  7. Massive 17,000 Page Report on How the Biden Admin Weaponized the Federal Government Just Dropped.

    “A bombshell 17,000-page report was just dropped, detailing specific instances where the Biden administration has weaponized the federal government for political gain. The extensive document, compiled by the House Select Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, outlines claims of misuse of federal agencies to target political opponents, suppress dissent, and influence public opinion. This raises serious questions about the integrity of the federal bureaucracy and the Biden Administration’s four years in office.

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  8. You folks in Texas, they found your missing congresswoman who has been missing for 6 months. Congresswoman Kay Granger, yeah her. She was found was found living in a dementia care facility.

    A ‘Missing’ GOP Rep Has Been Found…and It’s Not a Good Situation.

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      • Have you been missing the part where he is on the shit list along with Chip Roy and other RINOs? Oh right you have an agenda to push so facts and context that don’t fit your delicate narrative are best ignored. D- see me after class.

      • “So Republican Speaker Mike Johnson has concealed this for over six months, where is your outrage?”

        I’m not like you Miner49er. I’m not mentally ill and easily triggered like you are Miner49er. I don’t feel the insane mental illness attention-whore conformation bias thing you do so I have no need to run around on the internet ranting about every little thing.

        Where is my outrage?

        Just how do you know I don’t have my concerns over this?

        Ya know, in the world of reality normal sane people don’t spend their time expressing their triggered moments on the internet and raging about them. Only mentally ill people do that Miner49er, people like you where every little thing that happens GOP or Trump wise ya just gotta rage about it on the internet seeking attention for your angst and BS.

        But its really odd that when something happens democrat or left-wing wise you are strangely silent on it.

        So…. Miner49er, where is your outrage for the American people being out right intentionally lied to and deceived by the vice president, jill biden, aides and advisors, and medical doctors, and democrat politicians, and the left wing media, intentionally perpetrating one of the biggest deceptions and coverups in U.S. history – about – Joe Biden’s deteriorated cognitive impairment and dementia and not being capable of serving as president due to that – from day one of his time in office. Where is your outrage over that? Wev’e basically had a missing president, in terms of capability, and he has not actually been head of government in other than name, for 4 years, basically being missing in that and now found to have been in an ‘assisted-care environment’ by being surrounded by this mass deception and false and lies perpetrated on the American people… so where is your outrage over that Miner49er?

        • “Just how do you know I don’t have my concerns over this?“

          Because you have failed to post any condemnation of the Republican Congressional leadership regarding this matter.

          “Ya know, in the world of reality normal sane people don’t spend their time expressing their triggered moments on the internet“

          Yes, your continual posting of multiple random news stories on unrelated articles in TTAG is a sad display.

          Even your compatriots here on TTAG have concerns about you:

          “Bersa Bob
          December 22, 2024 At 10:47
          holy crap Booger take a break and wrap some gifts“

          • “Because you have failed to post any condemnation of the Republican Congressional leadership regarding this matter.”

            apparently you can’t read.

            Ya know, in the world of reality normal sane people don’t spend their time expressing their triggered moments on the internet like you do Miner49er. And evidently you and your mental illness got triggered again.

            • so Miner49er once again, you deceptively post with the typical left wing mental illness expression of BS and stupid to avoid the truth and to hide your lies and hypocrisy by trying to paint a false equivalence and impression.

              So…. Miner49er, where is your outrage for the American people being out right intentionally lied to and deceived by the vice president, jill biden, aides and advisors, and medical doctors, and democrat politicians, and the left wing media, intentionally perpetrating one of the biggest deceptions and coverups in U.S. history – about – Joe Biden’s deteriorated cognitive impairment and dementia and not being capable of serving as president due to that – from day one of his time in office. Where is your outrage over that? Wev’e basically had a missing president, in terms of capability, and he has not actually been head of government in other than name, for 4 years, basically being missing in that and now found to have been in an ‘assisted-care environment’ by being surrounded by this mass deception and false and lies perpetrated on the American people… so where is your outrage over that Miner49er?

              … and literally a thousand others things, way to many to post here, democrat politicians in congress did to deceive and lie to the Amercian people over the last four years, that are now being exposed and known – where is your outrage over those Miner49er?

              Oh wait, ya can’t point to them and scream ‘TRUMP!!!! DID IT’ and go on and on trolling the comments with your left wing mental illness BS with ‘TRUMP!!!! DID THOSE’, so you magically don’t have any sense of outrage over them ’cause mentally ill left wing lying hypocrite troll you are Miner49er.

              • Oh, and as far as the news stuff I post….I’m glad you are upset that something contrary to your mental illness left wing agenda of spreading lies and deception and cherry picked out of context BS is posted.

                If you don’t like the posts then scroll past them. But its wrong and deceptive for you to co-opt others posts into your own in a very deceptive effort to deflect from replying with an answer to that asked of you for your missing outrage and to attempt to deflect away from the fact that you literally a thousand times here in the comments over time disrupted and trolled the comments off topic on purpose with your TDS and other left wing agenda lies and deceptions BS.

  9. REPORT: The latest on the Madison, WI … .

    (also in video start watching also at 24:26 – why the number of ‘school shootings’ in the GVA and other data-bases used by anti-gun and the media are a lie and how anti-gun and media are lying about it.)

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  10. Scranton Officials Demand for Biden’s Name to Be Removed from Landmark.

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