Aussies Develop Segway Robots for Sniper Practice
This story practically writes itself, in that "a YouTube video is worth a thousand words but not one thin dime to the poster" sort of way. Here's something we didn't see coming. "The Segways...
New Mexico Concealed Carry Course (w/Gubernatorial Candidate Doug Turner)
"It's almost too easy," Doug Turner's instructor says, after New Mexico's republican gubernatorial candidate Doug Turner squeezes off a round with the Remington 700. "Almost," Turner replies. Ah, but the question is: are out...
For the AK-47 Owner Who’s Got Everything
TTAG has searched the wold over for something unique in the firearms-themed drinks category and found this little number, available from Urban Outfitters for around a Jackson. Perfect for cocktail parties where your liberal friends shoot...
LA Outbids Phoenix for Stolen Guns reports that today's the day that the city will pay its criminals $50 gift cards for each and any stolen gun they turn into the authorities. Anyone with an ounce of common sense...
Accused Shot Victim 29 Times with an SKS Rifle . . . in Self-Defense
I know. That doesn't sound right. That's bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang...
Show Us Your Gun: Martin Albright’s New AR-15
During the course of TTAG's relocation exploration, I met up with Army vet and TTAG writer Martin Albright in urban sprawl Colorado. After patiently waiting for your humble scribe for an hour-and-a-half (sainthood pending),...
Survey: 8,868,085 People Shot a “Modern Sporting Rifle” in 2009
That's an "assault rifle" to gun control advocates and our friends in the media. Mind you, we're not talking about 8,868,085 owners of AR-style rifles; the black gun-owning population may be smaller (one owner,...
FNH Hosts 16th Super Sniper Shootout. So To Speak.
Our new friends (we hope) at FNH USA are teaming up with optics maker Leupold to sponsor the 16th Long Range Precision Shooting Competition. On June 7 to 11, 2010, at Fort George G....
ArmaLite Truckload Sale: 168 Guns and a Free Truck
A truckload of rifles? Why do I suddenly imagine a young but old looking Clint Eastwood driving these beasts to Verdun with a bunch of raw recruits and/or grizzled combat veterans? Maybe it has...
Wilson Combat: Black Rifle Market On the Brink of Collapse?
"During the pre-Obama surge, black gun dealers way over-ordered," John May tells TTAG. "There are lots of deals out there right now. Plenty of dealers are selling AR-style rifles at cost, trying to clear...
Ode to Browning
By William C Montgomery on April 13, 2010
John Moses Browning was the most influential gun designer. Ever. John C. Garand, Mikhail Kalashnikov, Hiram Maxim, Georg Luger, Dr. Richard J. Gatling, Benjamin...