deer hunt hunters hunting

Flawed Anti-Hunting/Anti-Gun Study Got the Headlines JAMA Wanted

By Salam Fatohi, NSSF When you couple gun control advocates masquerading as academic researchers with a discredited gun violence “statistics” operation, you’re bound to get a defective “study” generated...

Shoot The Vote Urges Gun Owners To Make 2024 “Too Big to Rig”

Elections have consequences, a term all too familiar in today’s polarized political landscape. The stakes have never been higher for conservatives and law-abiding gun owners as we weather attack after attack on...

Americans Divided on Many Issues, Right to Carry Isn’t One of Them

Americans are deeply divided on many issues these days. But a recent poll conducted by Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, WI, revealed at least one area of broad agreement: A supermajority in the...
Tulsi Gabbard

Democrats Weaponizing “No-Fly” Lists, Gun Owners Could Be Next

For America’s gun owners, including the 22.3 million new first-time gun owners since 2020, the latest shocking news about former U.S. Representative and former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) being placed...

GOP Talks Guns At USCCA Gathering In Milwaukee

While the Republican Party has taken most of the references to firearms out of its official Party Platform, a meeting hosted by the U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) at the Republican National Convention in...

New Research Claims Deer Hunting Causes More Gun Violence

In what may be the most poorly conceived and horribly researched study ever published by The Journal of the American Medical Association during its entire 141-year history, a trio of anti-gun researchers now claims deer...
schooting crime scene outline tape body

W.V. Woman Shoots Boyfriend Who Was Stomping And Punching Her

A West Virginia woman was able to save her life with a firearm during a violent attack by her boyfriend. According to a report at, the couple was...

First ‘Smart Gun’ Ships To Consumers

America’s gun owners can expect the calls for government to dictate so-called “smart guns” to ratchet up now that one company has delivered its first production guns to consumers.
Concealed Carry

Bruen Effect Propels N.J. Carry Permit Application Boom

Before the landmark 2022 Supreme Court ruling in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen, states like New York, New Jersey and California made it very difficult for lawful citizens...
Grocery Store Open Carry

When The So-Called ‘Mainstream’ Media Goes Over The Edge

The media outcry against increasing gun ownership by lawful citizens has grown shriller over the past five years as Americans have purchased over 1 million guns each year. The fact that people...
open carry gun holster 1911

GOA Challenges Florida Carry Ban In Court

The pro-freedom group Gun Owners of America recently filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida challenging the state’s decades-long ban on the open carry of...

Supreme Court Sets Date For ‘Ghost Gun’ Case

The U.S. Supreme Court announced on Friday that oral arguments for its upcoming case involving the government’s ban on so-called “ghost guns” will begin on Oct. 8. It is the lone gun-related challenge on...