Gun Review: Benelli M2 Tactical ComforTech
Tactical shotguns aren't supposed to be pretty. They're supposed to be brutal. The uglier and more intimidating, the better. Trust the gunsmiths at Benelli to turn their back on this tradition of fucile da...
Gun Review: Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad
Che Guevara wore a Rolex GMT Master. He also drove a Norton motorcycle. He would have loved the Springfield Armory M1A Scout Squad rifle. Like the watch and the bike, it's a high-quality heavyweight;...
(First Look) Gun Review: Springfield XD-M 3.8 9mm
Gun Review: Springfield XD-M 3.8 9mm
My mother has a "shit list." You do NOT want to be on my mother's shit list. She can make Devil's Island seem like the Ritz Carlton. And once you're on my mother's shit...
Gun Review: ArmaLite AR-10
Most folks knows Apple computers started in a California garage. Less well known: the modern small arms industry was born the same way. "America's rifle," the AR-15, owes it genesis to not one but...
Gun Review: SIG SAUER P250 9mm
As a kid, there was one toy I frequented more than anything with a barrel or trigger: LEGO® blocks. With these ingenious Danish creations, I was more than merely a defender of good and...
Gun Review: SIG SAUER P220 Elite .45
Imagine Sinatra in a satin charcoal Armani suit, sitting in a leather-lined smoking chair, puffing on a fat Cuban and sipping top-shelf whiskey. There’s your SIG P220 Elite. Sure, there are cheaper ways to...
Gun Review: FN Five-seveN (5.7) [Updated 2018]
For some gun gurus, the FN Five-seveN is the handgun equivalent of the world's most fire-proof paper hat. It's a brilliant technical achievement but who cares? For one thing, you're more likely to find...
Gun Review: Remington Model 700 VS
Go on. Admit it. You want a precision rifle. For hunting. Target practice. Picking off zombies from your bedroom window. Does it really matter why? No. The only thing that matters is how much....
Gun Review: Kel-Tec Sub-2000 .40
Last week, RF wondered if pistol-caliber carbines were destined to become the next home-defense shotgun. He made the connection after firing the Kel-Tec Sub-2000 chambered in S&W .40 during my previous test of the...
Gun Review: Benelli MR1 Tactical Rifle
The AR may be America's rifle, but the weapon is not without its critics. Some say the system runs too dirty to be reliable. Others aren't thrilled with the AR's military demeanor and "assault...