Preview of Coming Distractions: Chiappa Rhino
It's not often that I come across a product that makes me think "Wow...these guys have broken the mold, gone back to the drawing board, and come up with something fresh, new and exciting."...
Gun Preview: Charter Arms .357 Target Mag Pug Bulldog
Gun Review: Charter Arms .357 Target Mag Pug Revolver
In 1989, Lexus trimmed its slogan from "The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection" to "The Pursuit of Perfection." I reckon Lexus made the change out of sheer exhaustion. Manufacturing perfection is like trying to get the...
Gun Review: Century Arms WASR-10 (Romanian AK)
“Loose is good.” I think. Since that’s really just a hunch, I did the easiest most journalistically-thorough thing and Googled the phrase. My results? Well, let’s just say they stuck a collective finger in...
Preview: Kimber Tactical Custom HD II .45 1911-Style Pistol
Gun Review: Beretta U22 Neos Inox
Gun or phaser from Star Trek? Or another sci-fi series to be named later. By someone else. Please excuse my lack of knowledge of sci-fi geekdom — and I mean that in a good...
Gun Review: Kimber Tactical Custom HD II .45 1911-Style Pistol
The Kimber in this video is on its way to ace scribe Brad Kozak for his full review. I've previewed it here. Adam Deciccio at American Firearms School is one of our pet experts....
Gun Review: Charter Arms Undercover .38 Revolver
Full review to follow.
Gun Review: CZUB CZ 75 P-01 9mm
Sometimes I just get a “feeling.” Like the first time I ever stood in front of a classroom and realized I wanted to teach. Or the night I met a certain tall brunette. Every...
Gun Review: Sturm, Ruger & Co. LCP
I ain’t a true Texan. According to the requirements printed on its box, I need not apply for the hottest gun of the week. However, strip off the barel tats from Sturm, Ruger & Co's...
In Praise of . . . Heckler & Koch P2000’s Trigger Pull
Heckler & Koch is one of those brands in the gun world that even the rivet counters respect. Or perhaps you could say it has the least amount of critics. I recently had...