Mayor Daley: Don’t Blame ME for Gun Violence

If you've ever wondered why Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has such a hard-on for gun control, it all comes down to three words: blame the guns. Here's Daley response to media questions about his...

Bullet Counter Point Shoots Itself in the Foot. Again. Still.

1 I love it when gun control bloggers write about supposed "gun rights extremists." More often than not, they completely miss the fact that the repeated rhetoric seems perfectly sensible to anyone but them. To wit: "In...

Is Gun Control The Ultimate Political Litmus Test?

Over the past 40 years, I've been paid to write more than two million words. Sooner or later, every one of them came back to the issue of guns and gun-ownership. People accuse me of...

More McDonald Analysis: NSSF Speaks Out

0 The National Shooting Sports Foundation weighs in on the McDonald ruling, et all. Part the Second after the break.

China Executes Gun Trader

You want gun control? You got gun control! The Chinese government has executed a man convicted of illegally manufacturing and selling firearms in eastern China. "Wu Zhiqiao was executed Friday. He was sentenced to...

SAF Sues Westchester (NY) Over “May Issue” Concealed Carry

Alan Gura is at it again. The lawyer who helped win the Heller and McDonald cases in the U.S. Supreme Court---striking down handgun bans in both cities---has filed a federal lawsuit against Westchester County, New...

Suppose You’re Fond of Books . . .

You like their leather bindings, their fancy endpapers, the way they speak to you of other times and places, the way they feel in your hand. You like the way they smell. Naturally, you're aware that books are...

Breaking: Chicago Police Release Criteria for “Unsafe” Handguns

5 At TTAG's request, the Chicago Police Department has released the selection criteria for unsafe handguns: the firearms banned under the Windy City's new handgun registration scheme. According to the Police News Affairs division,...

Chicago Gun Registry on Illegal Guns: “Put It in Your House and Leave it...

I just got off the blower with Chicago Police's Gun Registry unit. I asked Officer X what I should do about my uncle's handgun; it's on the city's recently released list of prohibited handguns. "Put it in your...

Download List of Chicago’s “Unsafe Handguns” Here

Click here for the official list of handguns that the City of Chicago has deemed "unsafe." According to the po-po's PR machine, the list contains the handguns that have been "specifically disapproved by the Superintendent...

NRA vs. GOA: Realpolitik vs. Fanaticism?

3 Sebastian over at Opposing View takes a dim view of those who criticize the National Rifle Association for its support of democratic politicians like Harry Reid. A really dim view, with enough link love...

New York Times: “There are few reports of elderly gun owners shooting relatives or...

But why let the facts stand in the way of a good story? Yes, despite the writer's admission that there is no statistical evidence to suggest that elderly gun owners are particularly dangerous to...