Gear Review: Cabelas Laserlyte Chamber Boresighter
Time for a small confession: as much as I love to shoot, I've never really enjoyed sighting in new and untried rifles and scopes. I'm not very good at it, and I've sent an...
Gear Review: Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT
In the first post about the Swarovski scope we looked at the asthetics and technical specifications of this piece of glass. Then, in the second post we spent some time talking about actually shooting...
Gear Review: Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT (Sighting In)
I just got back from the NRA Headquarters range (after a nice visit with the National Firearms Museum's senior curator, but more on that later). I've zero'd the Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT I...
Gear Review: Swarovski Optik Z6i 1-6×24 BRT (First Impressions)
Ever read a bi-lingual airplane magazine? One with computerized English translation next to the native language text? Try this on for size: "In the development of our rifle scopes we have always taken our...
Gear Review: Montie Gear Precision Rest
First of all, apologies to Montie Gear for holding onto their Testing and Evaluation Precision Rest since the late Jurassic era. I guess I took the old adage "a thing of beauty is a...
Holster Review: Remora “No Clip” Holster
Most Inside-the-Waistband (IWB) holsters need to be clipped to a sturdy belt to maintain holster, gun and pants in the preferred,...