Kimber 2016 Set to Set Annual Gun Sales Record

Whether it's the prospect of a Clinton presidency, a number of high visibility terrorist attacks or concealed carry liberalization, 2016 is on track to become the year with the most gun sales in the history of the...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Where Gun Permits are Alternatives to NICS

In the (first) Clinton era 1993 Brady bill, exemptions for background checks were provided for people who had undergone a check for state gun permits. Not all states meet the federal requirements for those exemptions....

Debunking the “8% forgot to take off the safety” in Bear Attacks Myth

If you've been reading about defensive uses of firearms against bears, you've likely read that bear spray is more effective than firearms. That a large percentage of people faced with bear attacks failed to disengage the...

Illegal Homemade Submachine Guns and Silencers Seized, Despite Canadian Gun Laws

As governments increasingly attempt to make guns and gun ownership illegal, the less they succeed in doing so. It does not mean that fewer criminals are armed. Overall crime does not drop when controls...

Where Are All The Bear Attack Pistol Failures?

While discussing the effectiveness of pistols in defence against bear attacks, a consistent theme is the claim that they're not effective, difficult to use, and that many more people who use handguns are badly mauled...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: Centers for Disease Control Fails to Correct Botched Accidental Firearms-Related...

In January of this year, More Guns, Less Crime author John Lott notified the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) that they'd made a mistake. The CDC had reported that there'd been 105 accidental firearms-related deaths in...

Homemade Sub-Machine Guns in Australia

28 This video is from 2013 is a graphic illustration of the results of what happens when extreme gun restrictions are imposed, as they have been in Australia. When it's prohibitively expensive or nearly impossible...

Houston Killer Survey Reveals Type, Source of Guns Used to Murder

Back in 2002, the Department of Justice released an updated survey on guns and cons. Firearms Use by Offenders was based on face-to-face interviews with 18,326 state and federal prisoners who'd used a firearm in a crime....

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: French Gun Ownership, Carry Increasing

France is home to an estimated 7.5 million legal firearms and 10 - 20 million illegal guns, many of them WWII-era vintage. Thanks to recent terrorist attacks, both numbers are growing, as English language French publication reports: As a...

Kimber Gun Rights Bulletin: President Trump Will Pass the Hearing Protection Act

In 1934, the Franklin Roosevelt administration passed omnibus gun control legislation, with massive infringements on the Second Amendment. The National Firearms Act was primarily designed to eliminate the private ownership of handguns. As that was...

Pro-Tip: How Not to Fire a 12 Gauge Pistol or Sawed-Off Shotgun

Click here for a short video on how not to fire a 12 gauge pistol/sawed-off shotgun. The video shows the shooting firing with a less than firm grip on the firearm. Shotguns cartridges can develop considerable recoil....

Homebrewed .50 Cal Captured From ISIS in Iraq

38 Jake Hamby has posted photographs of a small shop-manufactured .50 caliber single shot, scoped rifle. The rifle was captured from ISIS forces in Iraq. Many on the Internets are disparaging the rifle, characterizing it...