What I’m Carrying Now: A Colt Army Special ‘Snake Gun’ and a Snake Bite...
Virgil Caldwell writes . . .
This is a beautiful, tight, smooth Colt Army Special from 1908. The problem is, when I found it in the pawn shop someone had sawed the barrel off to...
What I’m Carrying Now: A P365 and a Kershaw Blur
Oldmocop80 writes . . .
When off-duty, I keep my EDC to a comfortable minimum. Gear is comprised of a SIG P365 9mm in an amazingly comfy Alien Gear IWB holster, with a 12-round mag...
What I Carry and Why: Tyler Kee’s M&P 9
I've been writing about guns longer than I've been carrying one so most of my "What I Carry" journey has been hashed out here over the last four years. I don't have a fancy...
Everyday Carry Pocket Dump of the Day: Dara Holsters
It should probably come as no surprise that Dara Holster's marketing maven totes his her big Walther PPX in a...wait for it...Dara Holster. No clue how he she carries that Beretta Jetfire, but we'd guess...
The Stealthiest Disguised EDC Knives We’ve Ever Seen
You can assume that if a knife can somehow be concealed in an otherwise unassuming pocket-sized object, someone's selling it. By combining these remarkably sneaky knives, you could easily have upwards of ten separate...
The “Bare Minimum” EDC First Aid Kit
You will get hurt at some point. It's virtually inevitable. If not, it'll be someone you're with, and a hospital isn't always right around the corner.
It's basic self-reliance, along with carrying a gun to...
What I’m Carrying Now: A H&K VP9 and a Benchmade Griptillian
Michael S. in Ohio writes . . .
Here's what I'm carrying now:
H&K VP9SK with Meprolight R4E night sights, a 13-round extended magazine +1 Barnes 9mm +P 115gr TAC-XPD.
H&K 15-round backup mag with Underwood 9mm...
What I’m Carrying Now: Springfield XD-S and Lots of Gear
The Crimson Pirate writes . . .
This the normal stuff I carry every day. It has not changed.
On the belt, from left to right
511 Trainer Belt
Glove Pouch with a couple pairs of gloves and...
What I’m Carrying Now: A SIG P938 9mm and an M-16 Knife
Steven W. writes . . .
I started out carrying a compact Kimber 1911, but found it too heavy. My EDC now is a SIG SAUER P938 9mm with the extended 7-round mags carried in a...
What I’m Carrying Now: A P320 XCompact and a Benchmade Barrage
JC writes . . .
For the sake of brevity, here is my current EDC in list form:
Shooter: SIG Sauer P320 XCompact (9mm) with Talon Grips
Holster: Comp-Tac Warrior OWB
Spare Mag: Comp-Tac Mag Pouch with spare...
What I’m Carrying Now: A Para Ordnance P12 in a DeSantis SOB Holster
Dan from Northeast Pennsylvania writes . . .
I'm carrying a Para Ordnance P12 in a DeSantis Small of the Back Holster, an Eafengrow EF68 knife, a Tag Heuer watch, a Ridge wallet and a...
Gear Review: Cook’s Holsters IWB w/ Adjustable Belt Clip
You're looking at my new EDC holster, an "IWB w/ Adjustable Belt Clip" from Cook's Holsters. I picked up the Beretta Nano version for testing in July and liked it so much that I...