Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Greenville Home Owner

The movies have contributed some great gun-related quotes to American culture. "Go ahead, make my day," comes immediately to mind. Of course, the Callahan oeuvre also includes, "Do you feel lucky, punk?" And then...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Chadbourn Home Owner

"A roommate, who does not want to be identified, said his friend shot at the intruders as they burst through the door. The buck shot from the 12-gauge shotgun hit one of the two...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Virtual Edition

According to, a Strongsville, Ohio family heard someone trying to break in when, "the husband yelled 'get the gun' and the burglar ran off, the report said. The residents didn't get a good...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Charles Robbins

When Charles Robbins of Daytona Beach woke up to hear someone prying his door open, he picked up his handgun. And as the door opened Robbins dropped him in his tracks with one through...

Defensive Gun Use Of The Day: Rubber Bullet Edition

If I ever hear the dreaded sound of a burglar prying or smashing his way into my home in the middle of the night, I pray I'll have time to equip myself with the...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Gestating Edition

Few creatures are more protective than a mother is of her child. Which probably had something to do with the response two Fortuna, California burglers provoked when they broke into a home where an...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Former Recidivist Edition

It's no secret that California's having some fiscal difficulties. And because they've been short on funds (and long on NIMBY sentiment) their existing jails are overcrowded due to the lack of new storage facilities...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: WWII Marksman Edition

"'I knew one thing — they were gonna deal with me,' (Jack) Goodwin said. 'Cause if you’ve got enough nerve to break in somebody’s house and they’re home, they’ve got enough nerve to kill...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Canine Access Edition

  You're a seventeen-year-old girl. OK, statistically, you're probably not. Not here reading this, anyway. But for argument's sake, let's just say you are. You're home alone on a weekday and someone rings the doorbell....

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Tables Turned Edition

We preach it all the time. Home carry. It's important. No matter how rosy you're rose colored glasses may be, you'll never have time to get to your gun if something happens because it...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Center of Mass Edition

Too old? Never. Too small a caliber? No such thing. Just ask the unnamed man who heard someone trying to break into his Cleveland home Thursday night. "The 78-year-old homeowner told officers that he...

Defensive Gun Use of the Day: Rude Awakening Edition

Armando Martinez tried twenty doors before he found one unlocked and let himself into a Springville, Utah home early yesterday morning. After he'd put on some of the homeowners' clothes and helped himself to...