Question of the Day: Are Armed Teachers the Answer to Spree Shooters?

The "gun debate" has two sides. On one side, gun control advocates believe that eliminating firearms from society (legal or illegal) makes it safer ("guns don't kill people; people with guns kill people"). On...

Rapper Lil Wayne Jailed on Gun Charge [Clip NSFW]

4 Lil Wayne is off to Chookie today. The rapper will begin serving a one-year jail sentence related to a .40 pistol found on his tour bus in The Big Apple. In case you're...

Chilean Earthquake Aftermath: Send Lawyers, Guns and Money

CNN reports that the rule of law is breaking down in Chile, as the government struggles to restore basic services after a massive earthquake and the resulting tsunami. "Looting broke out in parts of...

Deer Creek: Damage Done?

1 Troubling news from CO. On Tuesday, a gunman wounded two students at the Deer Creek Middle School. Thankfully, the mentally unstable attacker---32-year-old Deer Park grad Bruco Strong Eagle Eastwood---wasn't a trained shooter using an...

Sacramento Sheriff on Gun Shop Robberies: “We Can’t Afford Extra Patrols”


500 Guns Stolen from Cleveland TX Police Evidence Room

0 reports that thieves removed some 500 deadly weapons from the Cleveland, Texas police evidence room. The U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recovered just 112 of the missing firearms from...

Chimp Killing Cop Suffers From PTSD

"Travis, the 14-year-old, 200-pound pet of Sandra Herold, 71, mauled a family friend in Ms. Herold’s driveway," the New York Times recounts. "Officer Chiafari and another officer were the first to respond to Ms....

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Nicholas Bemis’ “Friend”

Here's a rule worth following: don't keep a bullet in the chamber when transporting a weapon. "Combat ready" means ready for combat, not a strenuous hike over hill and dale. And here's another piece...

ATF Agents Seize Toys Guns in Tacoma

The Seattle Times reports that "U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Port of Tacoma seized a shipment of 30 toy M-4 automatic rifles that had arrived on Oct. 20 in a 40-foot...

Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Former New Jersey Nets Player Jayson Williams

And so we launch a new series, highlighting careless gun owners who bring disgrace to those who understand that responsibilities and rights must be joined at the proverbial hip. That total commitment to gun...

UK Taxi Driver: 6 Years for Stashing Shotgun, Machine Pistol

The Yorkshire Evening Post reports that taxi driver Anthony Scott was sent down for six years for "keeping machine gun under bed." Scott was caught stashing a loaded shotgun with two (count 'em two)...

Supreme Court Set to Widen 2nd Amendment Rights. Or Not.

There are two amendments to the Constitution that rarely, if ever, appear on the Supreme Court's docket. One is the Third Amendment, which prohibits the quartering of troops in private homes. Since the end...