Ask Josh: Is .45 ACP Still The Best 1911 Round?
Today’s Ask Josh comes to us from Dave R., a regular at my local Cabela’s, where I run into him a lot. I somehow always run into him at Five Guys, the range, and...
Ask Josh: Can I Shoot Long Range With An Inexpensive Rifle Scope?
Have a question for Josh? Send it to [email protected].
Today we are going to be looking at what you get in terms of bang for your buck in terms of optics. Reader ‘Eddie’ is new...
Ask Josh: Do I Need A Weapon Light On My Pistol?
Newbie John H. is a recent convert to the way of the gun, having only played video games and engaged in a little paintball from time to time. Now, being a new gun owner,...
The Truth About: Hollow Point Bullets [Video]
Over on TTAG's Rumble channel we'll be doing regular "The Truth About..." videos. I promise with better audio quality than the first one, The Truth About Hollow Points, embedded below. The Truth About...buying a...
Ask Josh: Do Suppressors Work Better On Piston or DI Rifles?
Today’s question has a great deal to do with gas, but don’t worry it is in fact the fun kind. Reader Todd asks:
”Which is easier to suppress, a direct impingement (DI) or piston rifle?...
Ask Josh: Help, I’ve Been Deplatformed!
Disclaimer, the image above isn’t real... yet. Today’s Ask Josh isn't a gun or ammo question. In a long email, reader Bob lamented the fact that people were being gaslit and removed from mainstream...