While most gun owners likely view the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) rulemaking as an overreach into creating laws rather than enforcing them—the agency’s primary role—some district attorneys from blue states have come together to support a few of these overreaches.
According to an ABC News report, 17 state attorneys general, led by Democrat New Jersey AG Matt Platkin, announced on January 16 their intention to defend ATF final rules that redefine forced reset triggers as machine guns and also redefined who is “engaged in the business” of selling guns, despite President Trump taking office soon.
“The incoming administration has threatened these common-sense protections, so states are stepping in,” Platkin said in a statement.
Certainly, what one person views as common sense might be seen by another as an infringement on the right to keep and bear arms. Both of these final rules are considered direct infringements, as some courts have already determined.
In August, a U.S. District Court judge issued a preliminary injunction that blocks the enforcement of the final rule against several groups, including the National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR), its members, Texas Gun Rights (TGR) and its members and Rare Breed Triggers and its customers.
District Judge Reed O’Connor wrote in that ruling: “Plaintiffs contend that the ATF’s regulation broadening the machinegun definition is an arbitrary and capricious expansion of the agency’s authority. Plaintiffs are likely correct. Accordingly, the Court concludes that Plaintiffs have carried their burden at this stage to show that the expanded definition of machinegun likely exceeds the scope of ATF’s statutory authority. Therefore, Plaintiffs have satisfied ‘arguably the most important’ of the four factors [justifying a preliminary injunction].”
The case is now being considered by a three-judge panel of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.
The ATF’s final rule on “engaged in the business” has also struggled in court. In May 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas granted a temporary restraining order against enforcing the Final Rule on the individual plaintiff involved in the case, Texas citizens, as well as members of Gun Owners of America, Gun Owners Foundation, the Tennessee Firearms Association and the Virginia Citizens Defense League.
Interestingly, blue state AGs had already expressed their opposition to the “engaged in the business” rule, with 26 Republican AGs filing lawsuits to challenge the rule last year.
“Congress has never passed into law the ATF’s dramatic new expansion of firearms dealer license requirements, and President Biden cannot unilaterally impose them,” Arkansas AG Tim Griffin said at the time. “This lawsuit is just the latest instance of my colleagues in other states and me having to remind the President that he must follow the law.”
It will be interesting to see if the ATF under President Trump swiftly reverses some of the “final rules” imposed on Americans by Biden’s weaponized ATF, as many gun-rights advocates hope will occur.
Other AGs joining New Jersey’s Platkin in announcing they would defend the final rules include those from Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.
Didn’t they vote to put Hitler into office as well? Just like the residents of these states voted for tyranny. They voted for the anti-civil rights AG in their state.
To my knowledge no Libertarian has ever run for attorney general in any state. If they won, they could simply refuse to enforce the drug laws like attorney general Eric holder did years ago.
you are as much as tyranny lover as a leftist.
Chris is totally fine with authoritarianism if it’s against people he doesn’t like.
“Chris is totally fine with authoritarianism if it’s against people he doesn’t like.”
And this is a problem, why?
“Didn’t they vote to put Hitler into office as well?”
Not exactly. Hitler was named “Chancellor” by the then President of the nation (parliamentary political structure is not really like what we experience here). The President also appointed one of the President’s allies as Vice-Chancellor. Between them, they thought they captured the trend of the populace, and could keep Hitler bottled up. Hitler convinced the President to allow Hitler to be named as sole authority for running government. Then the President died in office, and parliamentary procedure elevated Hitler to dictator. Hitler was not “voted in”, by the public, as “der Führer”
“Other AGs joining New Jersey’s Platkin in announcing they would defend the final rules include those from Arizona, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.”
and… Trump can order THE ATF to rescind the rules and order them not to ‘interpret’ law and to cease trying to enforce ‘in the business’ as its ambiguous at best and even one of the congress members behind it has said it was never intended to be used as ATF uses it so it was not the intent, making the cases of those AG’s moot.
The problem is Gun Control an agenda History Confirms is Rooted in Racism and Genocide continues to receive standing. It’s a clown show seeing hot shot attorneys argue with what is a turd sandwich…money must be good.
Homeland Security Will Swarm Chicago in First Raids to Apprehend Criminal Illegal Aliens Starting This Week.
h ttps://www.shootingnewsweekly.com/crime-and-punishment/homeland-security-will-swarm-chicago-in-first-raids-to-apprehend-criminal-illegal-aliens-starting-this-week/
Can’t wait to see what entertainment we get today as I watch it from Trump Winery.
as I write this … in about 5 minutes Trump will be sworn in. so the entertainment will soon begin.
Southern border declaration of emergency response may have just given me tinnitus worse than the army.
Was it intentional for Melania to look like Spy vs Spy? It’s funny either way you look at it.
Thank you, I couldn’t put my finger on where I saw her before. All she needs is a long pointed nose on her shadow figure.
How about rooting out ALL criminals in Chriaq? No elected or gov’t employees would be left though.
Yeah don’t do that in NY, I am already overworked covering for the DEI hites
I wanna see how left winger Pritzker is gonna react.
The guy is one slice of bacon away from a major heart attack, maybe this will drive him over the edge.
Pretty sure prickster ain’t kosher!😀
hardtack and pemmican.
No President Trump will not swiftly do anything thing pro 2A.
Is it a machine gun, isn’t it a machine gun.
Really doesn’t matter because the Second Amendment explicitly protects our rights to bear weapons of war.
But No.
Infringed, Shall, Not Be.
The definitions I’m finding for infringed just doesn’t seem to be matching up with the governments definition of infringed, and most definitely shall and not be, too.
It’s only twenty-seven words for a reason.
They ran out of ink and it was to late in the season for poke berries.
how’s annie gonna make salad?
“It’s only twenty-seven words for a reason.
Actually, it is 30 words, almost everyone leaves out the final clause: “except for…”
“The incoming administration has threatened these common-sense protections, so states are stepping in,”
I’m trying to remember any time I’ve ever experienced a lefty do or say anything resembling common sense. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
“I’m trying to remember any time I’ve ever experienced a lefty do or say anything resembling common sense.”
Common Sense informs us that the public/populus have no common sense. Common Sense also dictates that an elite group of people who do have common sense is required to keep the common people from doing things that make no sense.