Since former President Joe Biden established the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, many gun-rights activists have been hopeful that the next president might immediately do away with the ill-conceived attempt to use tax dollars to promote gun control schemes.
Only a day into President Donald Trump 2.0, it has been proven that some wishes do come true. On Tuesday, the office was dismantled, according to reports from several sources. The website for the office has been scrubbed from the White House website, leaving visitors to the site to receive a 404 error message.
While the White House hasn’t made a statement about the absence of the site, it appears President Trump is quickly following through with promises to scrap ineffective anti-gun schemes put into place by the Biden Administration. And in the case of getting rid of the White House Office of Gun Violence, that’s an especially good thing.
Not only was the office a partisan effort to get more restrictive gun control laws passed at the federal, state and local level, but it also was involved in some shenanigans that many in Congress thought were illegal. In October 2024, the U.S. House Oversight Committee issued subpoenas to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) and the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention as part of an investigation into potential collusion between the Biden Administration and gun control groups. The inquiry centered around the pending litigation City of Chicago v. Glock, with allegations that the White House coordinated with anti-Second Amendment plaintiffs.
“This raises serious concerns about whether you or your staff abused the authority of your office and committed ethical violations by colluding with outside parties to initiate a lawsuit against a politically disfavored private entity,” Committee Chairman James Comer stated at the time in a letter to Stefanie Feldman, director of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention.
After the election, the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) urged President Trump to disband the office. NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel Lawrence G. Keane remarked that Trump has the chance to “stand strong with law-abiding Second Amendment supporters and eliminate this unprecedented abuse of government authority.”
In this instance, the Trump Administration apparently passed an early test with flying colors.
Those on the other side of the Second Amendment debate weren’t happy, though. In a teary-eyed story about the demise of the office, claimed that the office had made great strides in fighting “gun violence,” more aptly called criminal violence.
“The Office of Gun Violence Prevention also helped to drive down homicides by 13.5 percent, shut down over 800 non-compliant gun dealers and stopped over 500 illegal gun purchases,” the story stated.
Of course, that’s completely inaccurate. The office likely had nothing to do with any drop in homicides that might or might not have occurred. And those 800 “non-compliant” gun dealers Newsweek bragged about were mostly those making simple paperwork errors targeted by Biden’s zero-tolerance policy, which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) recently reversed before President Trump could do away with it.
Gun-ban groups were also quick to lament the office’s removal from the website. Kris Brown, president of Brady—formerly named Handgun Control Inc. until banning handguns became widely unpopular—chided the Trump Administration over the move.
“In his inaugural address, President Trump talked a big game about keeping Americans safe,” Kris Brown, Brady president, said in a news release. “But now—less than 24 hours later—he’s gutting the federal government’s ability to respond to gun crime and mass shootings. The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention wasn’t about politics—it was about strengthening the government’s ability to protect Americans (more than 300 of whom are shot every single day) from guns. By shuttering it, Trump is putting the interests of the gun lobby above our kids, our communities and our country.”
Ultimately, it was only a matter of time before the Trump Administration did away with the highly politicized office that targeted gun rights more than ways to stop violent criminals from preying on lawful Americans. The fact that it only took one day is yet another good reason for gun owners to celebrate the end of Biden’s America.
A lot of things have disappeared from the Biden Whitehouse. Most importantly Biden and Harris.
Cool! I have no major complaints early on🙄
I hope the door hit them in the ass on the way out!
Also gone from the Whitehouse: Susan Rice one of the main puppet masters of Biden who was the chief architect of the Biden anti-gun efforts as well as most of the decisions “made” by that senile elder abuse victim.
Ok, Mr. President you need to sign this and this before your chocolate pudding and afternoon nap.
Bye bye
But but Trump said the thing and and bump stocks and and gloom gloom gloom *screams at sky*
With any luck where we are going we will not need bumpstocks.
Luck is like hope. It’s for those who won’t act.
Pot meet kettle
Those traitorous and marx -ist socia -list communist gun-control group people staffing that ‘White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention’ should be criminally prosecuted. But i’ll settle for this for right now, however, do not think for one moment I would be sad if something bad happened to them.
At least the office’s six-figure gravy train, per person, has ended.
And that’s all that really mattered.
“Somebody, somewhere was shot today as a direct result of Trumps pro-violence move.” – Some lefty reporter (will probably hear it on NPR on my drive home) by the end of the day today
“It was probably a disabled lgbtqia-plus migrant youth who has been living in fear of zeir lives ever since the Orange One was elected.” -loyal Democrat voter
So a suicide?
Have you seen the stats? It’s pretty grim on a good day. Add in the tangerine tyrant getting elected, and it’s just too much to bear.
Lol, it happened. The NPR lady mentioned the loser shooting two girls at school today and immediately went to Trump shutting this down. Did not claim direct correlation of course but the implication was there. These NPR people cannot hide their condescending and accusatory tones. Assuming they’re even trying to.
Where do 15year-olds buy guns. Not at gun stores. More regulations are not going to help. Expelling attitudinal aggressive students will help. They should teach boxing and martial arts in k12, that would stop a lot of this.
Investigators found a 300-page document connected to the apparent Antioch High School shooter featuring alt-right paraphernalia sandwiched between statements against “race mixing,” …praising Adolf Hitler and pages of explicit photos from previous school shootings, Nashville Police Chief John Drake said.
Social media accounts linked in the document and scattered across many platforms including X, Kick, TikTok and more focused heavily on “groyper” content — a nickname used by many online white nationalist and neo-Nazi groups — as well as “incel” content, a name referring to young men who claim to be “involuntarily celibate” and espouse incredibly violent misogynistic views.
Well that didn’t take long, did it Nashville police? I guess this isn’t considered “dangerous” enough to hide away for years.
He was a black kid. Although they put out the “white supremacist” narrative very early, media outlets aren’t touching this one because he was black and he killed a Latina. That doesn’t align with their narratives.
Sigh Clayton Bixby strikes again.
“Kris Brown, Brady president, … But now—less than 24 hours later—he’s gutting the federal government’s ability to respond to gun crime and mass shootings….”
That’s pure BS. If would have been great if that had responded to ‘gun crime and mass shootings” but here’s the facts, aside from intentionally letting violent criminals roam free and then invading the country with known violent criminals and terrorist from other parts of the world thus creating an intentional anacro-tyranny:
The ATF and Biden and Harris and the DOJ and the deceptively named ‘White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention’ – their actions, in counting them up over the last four years …. over 97% of them were aimed squarely at law abiding who did nothing wrong, and unconstitutional and unlawful actions to usurp Congress to create ‘defacto law’ by fiat and decree, and operate in secret collusion with special interest anti-gun groups and other special-marx-ist-interest groups in an attempt to perform a left-wing liberal insurrection against and overthrow of the Constitution, and turn constitutional rights (1’st, 2’nd’, 4th, 5th, 10th) into government controlled ‘denied permissions’ for all Americans gun owners or not.
… and yet somehow, the sun rose this morning right on it’s predicted schedule.
And the border was closed. “What will we do about our beloved slave labor, indentured servants, and human trafficking? Now you’ll have to pay a real wage or do things for yourself. Nooo!!” — Democrats ever since 1865
DoJ to ‘Sanctuary’ Officials: We’re Coming For You.
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Hundreds of illegal violent immigrants in custody.
The new Department of Justice is now directing federal prosecutors to investigate state and local officials who stand in the way of immigration enforcement.
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I’d like to see it replaced with an Office of Violence Against Americans, whose charter is prosecuting lib DAs and politicians whom fail to charge certain individuals perpetrating crimes due to “political correctness”. That’d give them something positive to accomplish. When they’re done with that, remove “politically correct” from our language.
I could co-sign that.
I’m hearing on Glenn Beck now that now we’re starting to see an OUTFLOW of people across the southern border. And also in various cities, all the places where the migrants would gather…are now deserted and silent.
Surely some will think they can “wait it out”, but others aren’t waiting and have begun self-deporting.
This is one major way we can come to grips with our violent crime…stop welcoming people who violate the law to come here.
Because many who came across our southern border were NOT from Mexico, Central, or South America, it will be interesting to see if any violent terrorists also self-deport. I suspect not, but at least it’s starting SOMEWHERE.
And although self-deporters might still cost us money (like if we need to “help them” move out by providing transportation, etc), ultimately it’s going to be a lot less expensive than having to go get them and physically escort them.
For once a memory holing I approve of. Jam a stake through its heart and bury it deep so it doesn’t come back.
biden/harris are 404.
…. more like 666
the same hold true for the white house abortion website- gone.
The Trace is putting an optimistic spin on this if anyone cares:
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How many have been arrested and who is investigating what mischief they did?
Trump’s January 6 Pardons Met Mass Resistance From DC Jail and Federal Bureau of Prisons.
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The Senator from Utah Sen. Mike Lee, said this and other violations of civil rights, as well as an incompetent D.C. city government, should be enough reason to resend local government control.
And return the management of D.C. back to the Congress.
As fast as I’m concerned, repealing D.C.control back to the Congress should have happened when the city government, ordered the police to stand down and do nothing.
While Sen Rand Paul his wife, and so many others were attacked by Antifa and BLM rioters.
Some sentences were commuted (2A rights will not be restored). Too many defendants were setup with fraudulent and planted evidence (sound familiar), with prosecutors lying to the courts. Some of the defendants never had a court date, just four years of solitary confinement, beatings, sleep deprivation, etc.. Now there are states attorneys looking to commit double jeopardy and bring state criminal charges against freed men and women. There is one retired Green Beret Master Sargent who has not been released IMO he was set up by the 3 letters.
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What shocks me is how many communists the Dems have in places of authority.
“What shocks me is how many communists the Dems have in places of authority.”
How many communists does the democrat party have?
All of them.
Yep, there were lots of them that were held in prison without trial or due process. For example, this one…
J6 Political Prisoner Jake Lang Has Been Released From Prison After 4 Years and 5 Days Without a Trial and no due process.
When Jake Lang was packed and waiting to be released, he was brutally swarmed and assaulted inside the jail by prison guards Lt Allen & his Emergency Response Team (ERT).
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This was just in DC, and although Lang got release there are still about 20 more being held inside the DC gulag, all these years without trial or due process – they are refusing to release them. Its just not DC either, these political prisoner hostages are scattered all over the country being held in 80+ prisons – the fellow Biden communist are refusing to release them.
President Trump is sending in U.S. Marshals to force these prisons to release these political prisoner hostages.
This is only a small representation of what Biden-Harris and democrat politicians had in store for you America. Imagine being arrested and charged then held for four years in prison, beaten and cruelly treated by guards, no trial or due process, no chance to defend yourself against the charges … this is what communism is.
After J6 Pardons, The FBI And DOJ Have Nothing To Show For Four Years Of Ignoring Terrorists And Child Traffickers.
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About those preemptive pardons Biden issued … they might not be valid after all.
According to SCOTUS precedent in Burdick v. U.S. … an individual receiving a presidential preemptive pardon must first confess to an offense against the United States before the preemptive pardon is valid and before the preemptive pardon is issued and accepted.
Constitution Article 2, Section 2 did not give Biden the right to preemptively pardon anyone unless they had first confessed to an offense against the United States.
Should President Trump’s DOJ decide to investigate the Biden family, Fauci, Milley, or the members of the Jan. 6 Committee, these individuals could be prosecuted until they publicly confessed to an offense against the United States.
However, even if they did confess, Trump’s DOJ could still pursue the matter to invalidate the preemptive pardons, arguing that Article 2, Section 2 did not give President Biden the right to preemptively pardon anyone. That issue would eventually be heard in the Supreme Court.
Learn something new every time they try something crooked, neat.
Pardons are continuing…
A Full and Unconditional Pardon for TERENCE SUTTON > h ttps://
A Full and Unconditional Pardon for Andrew Zabavsky > h ttps://
President Trump rescinded President Johnson’s Affirmative Action executive order.
It’s was racist. Just like the “war on poverty” was racist.
He also did others:
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Plus, he ended DEI in government:
Ending Radical And Wasteful Government DEI Programs And Preferencing.
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It’s funny because to argue that merit based hiring is racist is like really, really, REALLY racist.
C’mon man! Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.
Ross Ulbricht, the Silk Road guy, has been pardoned by President Trump as he promised to the Libertarian Party. When he met with them before the election.
My understanding is the libertarians are still not satisfied. Because they can not do drugs and urinate and defecate in public, at the same time. Without fear being arrested.
I support the pardon. Even tho he helped drug dealers avoid paying their fare share of business taxes.
Come on, Chris; you know that no Libertarian wants to do drugs, poo, or urinate in public. That’s what they all claim anyhow, right?
They all insist we should be allowed to do those things, but them? Oh no, this is for all the OTHER people who want to do drugs, poo, and urinate in public!
OMG now all the violent guns are going to be killing all the non violent guns.
Can’t someone do something to prevent this?
One of my comments above is still awaiting moderation.
Hours after I made it. Hmmmm, I wonder if Facebook or X would be so strict? I didn’t say anything bad or evil, honest!
It’d be kinda fun to stand in front of Joe Bidens house holding a big sign that says.
seeing how he said nobody fcks with a Biden.
Trump Erases ‘Bidenbucks’ And Taxpayer-Funded Leftist Voter Registration Drives.
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Did you notice the red that Professor Jill wore on election day? There was a reason for that.
President Trump Pulls in More Federal Agencies to Aid in Mass Deportations.
President Donald Trump has extended the ability to apprehend and arrest illegal aliens to the ATF, DEA and the U.S. Marshals Service. These federal agencies employ roughly 10,000 federal agents.
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Stephen Miller Recounts Mass Deportation Progress and Has Stern Warning for Interfering Officials.
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BREAKING: Laken Riley Bill Finally Passes in Congress, Moves on for President Trump’s Signature.
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“The website for the office has been scrubbed from the White House website, leaving visitors to the site to receive a 404 error message.”
That’s not all that has been scrubbed from the White House website. Far more ominous, the website for the U.S. Constitution has been scrubbed from the White House website, leaving visitors to the site to receive a 404 error message.
Before Jan. 20, 2025, the White House website featured a page that described the Constitution and the history of how it was ratified.
Now anyone who tries to view the US Constitution at (h) ttps:// gets a 404 error.
Apparently the White House doesn’t want us to know what’s in the Constitution, because when citizens know their Constitutional rights, it’s harder for the government to violate our rights, not just the 2nd Amendment, but the rest of the Bill of Rights, especially the 10th Amendment, as well as the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment can’t just be deleted from the Constitution by an executive order. It requires a Constitutional amendment to delete a right from the Constitution, not just an executive order as the current POTUS would have you believe. But apparently the White House thinks that if they delete the entire U.S. Constitution from government websites, leaving viewers with a 404 Error, then nobody will know what’s in the Constitution.
See article “The U.S. Constitution Delivers a 404 Now
Democracy not found.”
at (h) ttps://
It will be back, they are doing some re-design of the web site and the page had to be taken down for that to happen.
LOL, they’re also doing some re-design of the Constitution, no doubt, so it will be back with a few parts missing, such as the 1st Amendment, 10th Amendment, 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment, 15th Amendment, 19th Amendment, and 22nd Amendment!
Why does the White House website have to include a history of the Constitution? Seems to me that the site should be a platform for the President to outline his policies and executive actions.