ATF agent
(AP Photo/LM Otero)

More details have come to light, along with voiced suspicions on a story TTAG shared last week with readers about a recent ATF raid on a Baltimore gun owner and his family. The early-morning flashbang raid on a black gun owner’s home by the ATF has the man convinced the raid was conducted simply to try to intimidate lawful black gun owners.

According to a Washington Times report, the ATF agents announced themselves to Mark “Choppa” Manley and his family by tossing a flashbang grenade into their living room. Agents then streamed through the door and ordered everyone outside at gunpoint.

Several hours later, after thoroughly searching the home and checking serial numbers on several of Manley’s firearms, the agents left, taking only one of his cell phones for evidence.

According to the Times report, Manley, 35, is a gun-rights activist who has “brought together hundreds of gun owners for his ‘Choppa Days’ events.” He told the Times that the raid was based on bad intel from someone in southern Maryland who allegedly told ATF agents that he was involved in weapons and drug trafficking.

“I do feel like I was targeted,” he told the Times. “I do feel like the amount of guns I have made me a target and [put] me on their radar. Especially being a minority from the inner city.”

According to the report, the ATF’s Baltimore Field Office told the Times that the search warrant is under seal and refused to comment on the case. However, Manley said his phone has been returned, and he hasn’t heard about any possible criminal action from authorities or his attorney.

Manley became a pro-gun advocate after, working as a security guard, he killed an armed robber at a D.C. vape shop in 2018. According to the Times report, the killing was ruled justified, but because Manley was working as an unlicensed security guard and used an unregistered weapon in the shooting the license for his security company was revoked.

Following that incident, Manley started educating himself about gun laws and sharing his insights on social media. He now has over 94,000 followers on his Instagram account, “Mark Choppa.”

Maj Toure, founder of the Black Guns Matter movement, told the Times that the raid at Manley’s home was just one of a series of such raids on prominent black gun owners.

“What’s happening is they’re trying to scare people—bluff them—into thinking ‘I better not do this. I better be quiet about it,’” Toure told the Times. “The wrong party here is the ATF. Not the Constitution, not the Bill of Rights, not the American people that are safe and responsible firearms owners.”

Manley has set up a GoFundMe page in case the ATF does take legal action against him, the Times reported. “The feds are known to bankrupt some of the richest people, and I just want to make sure that I’m protected,” he said.


  1. Ok, this is a shocker. An ATF raid that’s racially motivated….who would’a thought, I mean given that over 75% of their criminality in terrorizing the public is committed against minorities.

    • What do you expect from the ATF’s “bunch of good ol’ boys who never meaned no harm…”.

      The Democrat’s willing lackeys and executioners.

      • And in a couple weeks it with be the Republican’s willing lackeys and executioners.
        Does anyone really think Trump is going to do anything about the BATFE or Gun Violence Prevention Bureau.
        They are all to busy figuring out how to install windmill electric in Greenland to power all those Musk brand electric heaters to melt Greenlands ice for the new golf course.

      • Yes, over 80% of all violent crime in Africa is committed by Africans.
        The other 20% is by foreign mercenaries.
        What does that have to do with the United States?

  2. Ok, this is a shocker. Remember the RINO Sen. Cornyn? Yeah, hes the republican that conspired with the democrats for the so called ‘Bipartisan Safer Communities Act’ that later he claimed the exploit of it by democrats and Biden and the ATF was not what he intended, and eventually resulted in an innocent man being intentionally ‘murdered’ by the ATF… yeah, Sen. Cornyn the guy with blood of innocents on his hands along with Biden and the democrats and the ATF … well hes back and has introduced the ‘National Concealed Carry Bill’.

    h ttps://

  3. BREAKING: There were 499 “mass sh**tings” in 2024? Or were there…? Lies destroyed again.

    h ttps://

  4. what happened to TTAG this morning? Some weird landing page was up for some kind of weird company…then later TTAG comes back and all the comments for the articles are missing.

  5. Gun control is racist. It has always been racist.

    So black teenagers are not supposed to have glock switches???

    A palestinian american is not able to get a gun permit but had one before??

    The 4473 asks if you are of Hispanic decent. Why??

    Governor reagan may have signed the mulford act into law. He has been dead for quite some time now. But the white atheists, the white pot heads, and the white homosexuals all who control california politically.

    They are not racist for publicly supporting the Mulford Act. And refuse to repeal it???

  6. Not surprising. When the GCA was passed and they made the list of prohibited persons the US had a total prison population of just under 190,000 people and the majority of them were black. “Felon” as intended by the GCA was code for Black. You have to remember that in the era it was passed the Black Panthers were scaring the crap out of the citizenry by open carrying long guns which was completely legal and they couldn’t have them darkies exercising their enumerated civil rights and they felt compelled to do something about it. LBJ wanted add hand guns to the NFA with the passage of the GCA and the other politicians in DC said “No way”.

    • So same as a today when prison population is disproportionality made up of black CRIMINALS.

      Want to stay out of prison? Don’t commit crimes/kill.

  7. Based on his feelz? Has he not looked into their history of equal opportunity raids and murders? Does he also feel they would ignore a white collar suburban guy legally selling guns on the side because he’s white?

    • Actually, I think this guy has a great idea. I’m thinking we should all set up a go-fund-me page to prepare for our legal representation should we ever need to deal with the aftermath of a
      “racist” self defense event.

  8. I hope that he puts the screws to the ATF! I wouldn’t wait but hire a lawyer to sue them for malicious persecution, physical damage to his home and hearing damage to everyone in the room. Hire a lawyer that will be a bulldog and sue them for maybe $5M.

    Were all the agents white? Can’t believe that being black in Baltimore is a minority.

    • While I do agree with your statement, the agents involved, including the supervisors and the ATFE (and really BIG fires) Director will not be harmed, since we the taxpayer will be paying the award. What needs to happen is that every single agent in a supervisory position involved in this “raid” (when actually going to his door and knocking on it telling him they have a warrant) be arrested, tried, convicted and spend a few (20 year minimum) vacation to Club Fed.

      • After reading several articles about the “ Choppa” raid. Everyone who owns a weapon should be afraid of the ATF. It seems the raid was based on hearsay. WHAT! The ATF could have found out everything that was discovered in that raid by jumping on a computer and looking. Do a little police work per se!

  9. Democrats: the entire law enforcement apparatus is racist and needs to be torn down

    Also Democrats: we need more federal doorkickers enforcing more prohibitionary laws to keep us safe and protect our rights

    It must suck to be one of the pandered to minorities when those white people who’ve spent so much time pandering to you send their racist law enforcement to kick down your door over laws that are rooted in racism especially when you’ve broken no laws and then they proceed to belittle you for questioning your loyalty to the Democrat plantation.

    The party of affluent white Karens has apparently decided they don’t need the those darkies anymore.

  10. The most dangerous thing in America is an articulate black man with a gun. And when he is telling others they also have a right to keep and bear arms. That black man is even more dangerous.

    And when he is telling poor people they have 2A civil rights. Now he is a direct threat to the deep state. It’s one thing to have more middle class folks with guns. But when the poor start to demand gun rights. Now the dynamics of society can really change.

    The Democrats and the pot heads want the poor using drugs. They don’t want the poor legally using guns.

    • i have to admit, there is something very satisfying (perhaps that it causes viewers to stumble in their reaction) to articulate pro gun vids. i mean, colion noir is hard to argue with.

      • “…i mean, colion noir is hard to argue with.”

        Not really. He is wrong on the culture, wrong on the law, wrong on the Constitution, wrong on the motivations of people who crazily want to own a gun, on the wrong side of the arc of history, wrong to support people who want to overthrow govt with their guns, wrong on what makes a good and just society.

        And anyone and everyone who disagrees with me is wrong.

        And dumb.

        There, I just argued against colion noir; easy peasy.

  11. The ATF took his phone because some homie acquaintance snitch sent the ATF on a fishing expedition to cover for his own crimes.

    “Yo! I know this guy, he’s got guns all over the place man! Bad stuff, too!”

    • You have to remember the order law enforcement see the world:

      1. Other cops.
      2. Friends and family of cops (includes criminals, err confidential informants).
      3. Perpetrators (includes law abiding citizens).

      Law enforcement will ALWAYS believe a criminal over a law abiding citizen.

      • They also always take the path of least resistance.

        Moreover, I would not keep the phone the ATF returned, who knows what they put into it. Either bugs or planted evidence, likely both.

  12. This may be the right outcome for the wrong reason.

    I don’t think their motivation was racism, but I do believe they were absolutely wrong in their actions.

  13. Racist? I doubt it, but that hardly matters. I don’t care why they did it, they have wronged this man. He’s lucky they didn’t shoot him and his goldfish or some such nonsense. He got off lightly with a stolen cellular phone. Hope he can stick it to them!

  14. Racist? You bet your behind. All that was missing were the sheets and torches. What the atf did was criminal and criminal charges will clip their wings, lawsuits for money doesn’t bother them.

    • I heard that Debbie. It would be so nice to see some of them catching criminal charges, because they’re clearly ACTING LIKE CRIMINALS. I’m seriously so thankful this man and his family weren’t hurt.

      • I’ve seen Sharpton. He ain’t doin’ too well these days. He’s like a giant Thanksgiving Day Parade float head on a toothpick body.

        He might even beat Joe Biden to his judgment day!

        And Schumer looks bad too. Even worse than Nancy Pelosi!

  15. The dems fought a war to keep slavery. They founded the klan. They fought for segregation and they continually fight to deny human and civil rights.

    Anybody surprised when they target poc?

  16. According to the article, the affidavit for the search warrant is currently “sealed”, at some point even if there are no charges that “seale” will be lifted. Mr. Choppa’s cell phone was seized, he or his attorney should review the search warrant to see if a seizure of the phone was authorized and also if a search of this electronic device was also authorized, if not than an additional warrant will be required and an additional affidavit.

    Mr. Manley should consult with criminal and civil counsel, if he has committed no criminal acts than a civil action should be considered. Of course the BATFE will go into overdrive to “make a case” if the affiant agent relied on uncorroberated info to cobble together an affidavit.

    • He should also fully wipe the phone. Who knows what malware F-Troop installed to “gather further evidence”.

  17. It was probably more motivated by tyranny than by racism, but that’s jsut splitting hairs.
    The ATF is a terrorist organisation, they regularly use violence to intimidate and kill non combattants for political goals.

  18. Questions Still Raised Over ATF Raid with No Answers in Sight.

    h ttps://

  19. I just wonder what Mr choppa choppa choppa will do with over $40k go fund me cash if the feds don’t charge him with any crime? That’s why choppa choppa choppa set it up was “just in case” he be charged. (he won’t)

  20. To this retired LEO, a sealed search warrant is the PD trying to hide their PC from the subjects attorneys. Frankly, since nothing was found, the PC for the warrant, the Affidavit for Search submitted to a Federal Magistrate SHOULD be open for inspection by the subject and his attorney.
    When I read the crappy affidavit for search on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, TX, I was furious. It was the most obviously perjurious, subjective, and full of misstatements I ever read. With the ATF involved in BOTH, I am sure that this raid was equally flawed.

  21. @Chris T in KY
    “I like his gun reviews. But Noir is very wrong when it comes to his EDC gun carry recommendations. Most so-called “experts” are.”

    Not me! .500 is the only effective manstopper EDC handgun and bullet. Open carry that one, and the sidewalks just open wide for you.


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