Longtime readers know I’m a big fan of the 300 BLK platform. With the increased popularity of 6.8 SPC ammunition, and given the Army’s new fondness for the round, I’m asked if 6.8 SPC is really the way to go in an AR platform rifle. That’s a valid question — what makes the 300 AAC Blackout round so much better than the other calibers available for the AR platform? And is it actually better? Like so many questions when it comes to guns…
It all depends on what you want to do with it.
With the apparent adoption of the 6.8 bullet by the military, the round is bound to increase in popularity and availability. So to look at 6.8 SPC vs. 300 BLK — two great rounds — I’m going to break this into three categories, encompassing everything a shooter should consider when choosing a caliber: performance, compatibility and availability.
The 6.8 SPC and 300 BLK cartridges were designed for two very different jobs. 6.8 Remington SPC was designed to be a longer range cartridge, while 300 BLK (AKA 7.62×35) was designed to be a shorter range cartridge that works well suppressed. I interviewed Kevin Brittingham, founder of AAC (and godfather of the 300 BLK cartridge) and he had this to say about his round:
These were our original requirements for this caliber: Muzzle energy has to equal or exceed the AK-47. .30 caliber projectile. Use unmodified 30 round magazines to full capacity. Use unmodified AR-15/M-16/M-4 bolt. Gas impingement system. Shoot super and subsonic. And one thing that was nice, but was not a ‘deal killer’, was non-adjustable gas system. Cycle all four ways – subsonic suppressed and unsuppressed, and supersonic suppressed and unsuppressed. …
It’s not one of the 6.5 or 6.8 or whatever is the flavor of the month where it’s a do-all, kick-ass… From a military standpoint, here is the advantage (which we discussed earlier): all we need is to change the barrel and get the ammo.
Non-adjustable gas system… And that’s a huge thing. Nobody works with silencers more than us. Every time I’m working with a company on something, whether it’s LWRC or Colt or FN, whatever it is, if it’s got an adjustable gas system we get halfway through the test and we’re like “holy shit, we didn’t adjust the gas system.”
It’s not something that’s really intuitive, you gotta think about having a suppressed system or unsuppressed. If you can get away with a non-adjustable it’s always best. And we’re able to achieve that, and it’s because we did the whole gun; we did the ammo and the silencer so it all works together.
So, 300 BLK was designed to fill a specific role. It was designed to be a big, heavy round that can be quickly changed from subsonic to supersonic and suppressed to unsuppressed.
6.8 SPC, on the other hand, was never intended to be particularly quiet. The relatively small projectile was designed to add a little more mass to the round while maintaining that zippy velocity that gives 5.56 ammo its punch. And thanks to that extra velocity, the 6.8 SPC does indeed produce better ballistics at longer distances.
Out at 500 yards, 300 BLK drops 30 more inches compared to 6.8. But to 200 yards, the difference is less than two inches.
That higher velocity also means that the 6.8 cartridge has a higher muzzle energy than the 300 BLK, clocking in at about 1,694 foot-pounds for the 115gr variant to 300 BLK’s 1,360 for their 125gr offering. And the 6.8 SPC’s performance only improves with added bullet weight. (By the way, 5.56 NATO 55gr comes in at 1,188 foot pounds.)
So, in short, if you really want the most muzzle energy and long distance performance, then 6.8 is the way to go. Actually .338 Lapua Magnum is the way to go, but that won’t fit into an AR-15 magazine.
To me, the entire point of having a funky caliber in the AR-15 platform is to be able to switch quickly and seamlessly from one caliber to the other. I should be able to swap uppers and be good to go. And, in general, that’s possible with both calibers. But one caliber really does it better.

The 6.8 SPC cartridge is designed from the .30 Remington cartridge, meaning that it won’t work with a standard AR-15 bolt. You need a slightly larger bolt, which means less material on the bolt face to contain the force of the escaping gasses and a higher probability of failure (less material + higher muzzle energy…). And when it fails, you’ll need one of your special snowflake bolts instead of any old standard AR-15 bolt.
Speaking of special snowflake parts, while the 6.8 SPC round will fit in an AR-15 magazine, it’s actually too fat to work at full capacity. Most manufacturers appear to warn users to only load five or six rounds to avoid bulging the magazine. Magpul makes a 6.8 magazine, but it only works with LWRC Six8 rifles.
The headache doesn’t stop there, though. There are, by my count, four incarnations of the 6.8 caliber. One is the SAAMI spec 6.8 Remington SPC, which is a lower pressure load. Then there’s SPC II and 6.8×43, both of which have different chamber pressure ratings. And finally there’s Noveske’s Mod 1 design, which apparently allows the highest pressures and best performance — but its proprietary, and not cheap.
In short, you need to double-check that you’re buying the caliber you want before you drop the coin on that new upper, and ensure that you’re getting the right ammo.
300 Blackout is a simpler proposition. There is only one flavor, which is an open and freely available SAAMI spec that’s already rated to a higher chamber pressure than its wildcat predecessor (the 300 Whisper). Which means that if you get a 300 BLK barrel from any manufacturer you can rest assured that its going to take any 300 BLK ammo you throw at it and more.

300 BLK also removes a lot of the equipment headaches. Since it is made with 5.56 brass and was designed specifically to work in standard AR-15 magazines, it works flawlessly with standard AR-15 bolts and magazines. There are no issues with feeding, no issues with magazine capacity, and spare parts are abundant since the only real difference is the barrel.
So, if you’re looking for a simple drop-in option for your AR-15 that works with all of your existing gear and spare parts, then 300 BLK is the way to go.
Having a gun chambered in a kickass caliber doesn’t matter if you can’t find any ammo for that gun. And, right now, 6.8 SPC was far ahead, but 300 BLK has come a long way.
6.8 SPC is just about everywhere — the only place I still can’t seem to find it is Wal Mart. Its been about a decade since the first 6.8 rounds started appearing, and so just about every manufacturer has a load available and ammo in stock. And, thanks to the community of shooters using 6.8 SPC already and the Army’s decision to adopt the round, there’s no doubt that this round will continue to be widely available in the future as well.
300 BLK is the new(er) kid on the block. It hasn’t been adopted en masse by military or law enforcement, so there are no milsurp loads available. But while the “professionals” might not have adopted it, I’ve seen more and more hunters adopting the round as a way to quickly change from their 5.56 M4gery to their hunting rifle.
Down here in Texas where hog hunting is huge, the ability to switch between subsonic and supersonic and suppress the ammunition effectively is a big plus in a hunting round. That use case has led to a lot demand for guns chambered in caliber, and now just about every manufacturer makes a gun in 300 BLK.
In the end, though, it’s a tie for availability. 6.8 SPC is already widely available and that will probably only improve. With the steady growth in popularity of 300 BLK, there’s no shortage of great options in 300 BLK ammunition, either.
As I said at the beginning, it all depends on what you want to do.
If you’re looking at muzzle energy and long range performance, then 6.8 SPC is the clear winner. It’s a field tested and battle proven cartridge with a huge following that can put animals down at longer distances than 5.56 NATO. And if you’re comfortable with the slightly more complex world of parts and ammo, then go for it.
But if you’re looking for something for hitting critters up to 200 yards away, does it better than 5.56, uses all your existing gear, can swap easily from supersonic to subsonic and is easily suppressed, then 300 BLK is the winner. It may not be a great long distance round, but the compatibility with existing gear really was the feature that sealed the deal for me.
I like 300 BLK. But then you probably knew that already. If I wanted something harder hitting or for longer distances, 7.62 NATO would be my choice.
Neither, 7.62×39 in a Palmetto KS47. Affordable rifle, cheap ammo, accurate, takes AK mags, shoots the cheap ammo very well.
And… x39 KS47’s and AR47’s are easily turbocharged with a binary trigger and handloaded military projectiles in once fired S&B brass cases with CFE BLK.
So.. you want 2,600fps 123gr .30 caliber Tracers or AP rounds out of a lightweight package? Load them right up yourself and go to town. You don’t get that with 300BLK or 6.5 or 6.8.
I just hit 1,000 rounds in my “bargain” x39 AR. 100% brass case factory and handloads. Not one single failure of any kind EVER including BHO every time with ASC, C Products, and D&H mags.
I wouldn’t turn your nose up to 6.8 SPC, the issue with it is it’s nowhere near as popular or cheap as x39 is. Even with brass case PPU, the x39 is cheaper than 6.8 is, in some cases nearly 33% less. Factor in the steel case x39, the price difference is astonishing and the accuracy I’ve seen some of that 7.62×39 steel ammo gets from the AR is amazing.
Unless the 6.8 is half MOA with even the cheapest ammo, I can’t see how its better than x39 unless variety of hunting ammunition or bullets and sectional density is the utmost importance to someone.
Remember, the 6.8 exists for one reason: extra power and range in their M-16’s and M4’s. The military can’t run 7.62×39 in their rifles because the guns and mags aren’t compatible and won’t pass the tests. The KS47 is purpose built to run x39, from AK mags, and use a few of the more common AR parts that people want to customize, namely the trigger, stock, grip. For the civilian shooter, it’s the best .30 caliber intermediate rifle that can be bought that shoots the most affordable ammo.
But, there’s people out there who have to brag about how much more their 6.8 rifle or .300 rifle cost them and the ammo cuz they don’t put a price on their life.
6.5 Creedmoor. Nothing else needed.
One round to rule them all, and in darkness bind them.
I just snorted. Thanks for the chuckle!
6.8 SPC isn’t the new Army round. The new 6.8 round and weapons are only prototypes. 5.56 ain’t going nowhere anytime soon.
5.56 ain’t goin anywhere period. The US military, wether anyone here likes it or not, will be using 5.56 in an AR platform until firearms are no longer the primary infantry weapon. I give it another 100 years minimum.
This. 5.56 has the ballistics to real infantry ranges, it’s easy to use and it’s established most of all. It’s got enough umph to render combat ineffective in most situations and when it doesn’t it’s light enough to have more to sling that way. That’s all they care about. If you want the armies take on real world ballistic performance see their sniper weapons. Those are niche systems though.
Back in the day, I said the same thing about .30-40 Krag…
The Army is going to adapt a new 6.8 round for front line troops. Its not the 6.8 SPC, it is a totally new redesigned round. Why, to defeat body armor, which the 5.56 can not do unless it is tungsten tipped.
Yeah, anyone who thinks the military is going to change calibers isn’t familiar with the reality of how it treats weapons procurement. They loooove testing and the idea of ‘improvement’ but avoid actual changes like the plague. Look at how long it took them to change from the M9, and that’s just a sidearm (and they maintained the same caliber) that is nowhere near as important as the primary weapon.
How many times must we go through this?
.300 is only good for an extremely narrow purpose and you got $ to burn.
I can’t even spell 6.8, FFS.
5.56 in bulk FOR LIFE!
The 6.8 SPC is a crappy solution to a problem that is completely fabricated.
Google bolt thrust, chamber pressures of Mk 262 vs 6.8, hell, just do the freaking math about replacing EVERYTHING in inventory to switch to a cartridge that will just cost more and you can’t carry as much.
The Green hat wearing guys can do whatever they’d like, but someone needs to stop the OER bulletpoint hunting Field Grade morons at Building 4!
Otherwise known as Building ‘Snore’ when I taught there.
Saw some pic’s the other day of Benning, I don’t really recognize it now, left in ’96’
Combat Dev was on 3rd floor IIRC.
It really has changed…
I got to see the transition in stages. Basic in ‘02 it was at its original configuration, back a couple times through the early 2000s, then as an Instructor with C co 2-29 IN 09-11 the building was 100% scaffolded and stripped. That time frame nearly everyone lives like nomadic hermits, construction everywhere.
I was back two years ago, odd. Very, very odd. One of the strangest parts about Benning is during times of scale up and war it’s crowded, nut-to-butt. Today it’s kind of a ghost town.
You’ll never look back.
I agree, and throw in .30-06 as well. If someone is looking to replace the US Military round, I’ll leave it to them to decide whether or not the intended targets are worth a single round or multiple. For my own purposes, I have a pile of AR platform rifles and carbines to shoot for fun. They were also fun to build up. If I’m planning on hunting or serious shooting beyond handgun range, however, I’ll take the real .30 cal stuff, or larger. Just old fashoined, I guess.
.308 rifles are heavy, the ammo is expensive, the mags cost more, are less common, a 6.5 Grendel is the best Goldilocks round for an AR-15 platform, great sectional density, flat shooting, past 800yds it has more energy than .308, Wolf steel case is available for affordable prices, it also shares mags and it’s bolt with 7.62×39 for cheaper ammo than steel case .223, 6.5G and 7.62×39 are the perfect pair. If 6mmARC came steel case it would be the ultimate.
Nice of him to give a shout out to JDJones, the guy who first wildcatted the .300 BLK, calling it the .300 whisper. He made a .30 whisper too. That one never got SAAMI specs and is still a wildcat.
JDJ prototyped some gas-operated autoloading pistols using standard .44 magnum ammo called the “Magmatic” back in circa 1980, too, but it never went anywhere. He’s still mostly known as the guy who makes the giant caliber T/C Contenders.
US Army and USMC is going for the 6.8 CTA (Cased Telescope Ammunition), not the 6.8 SPC. Which I doubt will see Civilian Sales anytime soon, or at the very least 10-years…
I would swear this is a repub of an older article.
It certainly is, I read it within the last month or so researching the topic for a build. I even think some of the comments were re-dated.
Found it in my history (I read it Feb 10th). Check this – earlier piece dated 09-24-2012: https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/09/foghorn/ask-foghorn-6-8-spc-versus-300-blk/
If time money and space were unlimited I’d probably have one of each and every other gun that has ever tickled my fancy. Since such things aren’t possible, and since I already have an AR in 5.56, I guess my answer would be that I don’t see a compelling reason for either.
If you make a mistake loading your magazines, packing your range bag, or otherwise have a brain fade, having both 5.56 and .300 BLK in the same house can lead to a kaboom moment if you don’t realize you cross-chambered a round. (We’ve all seen the photos.)
5.56 and 6.8? Not so much.
By the way, here’s SAAMI’s list of “don’t put this cartridge in that chamber” :
Interesting link, thanks. I do notice, however, that it lists 300 BLK as a no-no under .223 Rem but not under 5.56 NATO – odd that.
Some of those combos are really weird (i.e. don’t put .357 magnum in 6.5 Creedmoor – who would try?)
Still wondering what 9mm gun has a chamber so loose you can jam a .40 S&W into it.
Yeah, other way around makes sense. Some combos I certainly would never have thought of on that list. I’m also a bit surprised that there aren’t more bad combos listed under 30-06 given how many different cartridges are derived from it.
Do they list NOT putting a 8mm Mauser into a .30-06 chamber? I’ve seen it done and it is a big BOOM.
Yeah, it does list 8mmx57 as a no-go but the whole list for 30-06 is only six cartridges. 257 Weatherby lists 20.
Sounds like the Phillips & Rodgers Medusa Model 47 Multi-Caliber Revolver, based on the Smith & Wesson “K” Frame. Could chamber up to 25-different calibers, starting with the .38 Special. Don’t know whether anyone ever tried chambering the .40S&W into it or not…
“…having both 5.56 and .300 BLK in the same house can lead to a kaboom moment if you don’t realize you cross-chambered a round. (We’ve all seen the photos.)”
What into what chamber causes the problem? They are both based on the same brass, but the .30 cal slug simply won’t fully enter a .556-.223 barrel.
And in a ‘KB’, what’s the damage, besides the shooter’s hand-rugged handsome face? Does it destroy a 100-dollar lower?
EDIT – Holy crap. Just saw a video that demonstrates what happens. Besides trashing the upper *and* lower receivers, the .300 BLK bullet actually exited the .223 barrel, after being ‘squeezed down’ to .223 caliber.
So, yeah, it’s *not* something you want to do :
And I can now see why .300 BLK may never see widespread use in the military, it’s too damn easy for ‘Joe’ to destroy a perfectly good rifle…
Don’t even want to contemplate that situation,makes my head hurt.
The upside of infantry kabooming rifles, is now they’ll have an excuse for using those barrels are prybars.
Thanks for the video! I’m in the market for a .300 Blackout upper, and that video alone convinced me to get the magazine bands. There are some stills from that at:
and this was another interesting page with photos I found when searching:
I think my “favorite” is sectioned barrel showing the .308 cal bullet swaged down to a 3″ long .224 cal bullet.
did this by mistake one night while making a rapid hog ambush, IT WAS VERY LOUD. all caps because i am deaf in my right ear now. shrapnel cut my left arm.
That was a question FYI
It’s what I use. Suppressed it recoils really soft and I know all of my adult family members can use it effectively. Get the right supersonic ammo and I think it can rival a 5.56×45 rifle for HD.
6.8 was not meant to be a long range round; it has worse external ballistics than 5.56. It was meant to be a better manstopper. I doubt that this thing about the US switching to 6.8 will go anywhere in the near future, and if they do end up with a 6.8mm cartridge it will be more powerful than 6.8 SPC, with the ability to use 130 grain bullets.
.270 WSM?
Why is it called 6.8 SPC anyway when it uses a 7 mm bullet. Sometimes cartridge naming conventions annoy me.
It doesn’t use a 7MM pill. It’s .277″ vs. .284″ for 7MM. It’s really a 6.8MM, not a 7MM.
.277″*25.4mm/inch=7.036mm. .284″*25.4mm/inch=7.214mm
.277 is 7mm
.284 is 7.2mm
6.8mm/25.4mm/inch = .268″
7mm/25.4mm/inch = .276″
Both the 6.8mm SPC and 7mm Rem. Mag are mis-named. Not to mention the .270 Win and a whole host of others. That’s why I said that cartridge naming conventions annoy me.
BTW, .308″ is 7.82mm, not 7.62. .30 is 7.62 but most “30 caliber” cartridges are .308, including the 300 BLK.
Depends on what you’re measuring. The .308 bullet is 7.82mm, which matches the groove diameter. The land diameter is 7.62mm, so both names are accurate. Similarly, the 6.8SPC has a 7mm bullet with 6.8mm land diameter.
Finally, someone that know’s his Ballistics…
@ Anymouse
Yes, I know and that is why I mentioned cartridge naming conventions – the dimensions are what they are but the way we refer to them has become convoluted over time. In one case we are referring to the bullet, in another, the barrel, with early cartridges we’re often referring to the case, etc. If you were to ask someone, for instance, which uses a larger bullet, .308 Win or .303 British, most uninitiated people would guess wrong.
For the AR-15 I prefer 6.5 Grendel. Accurate, flat shooting, plenty of downrange energy.
I have two such AR15s, the single most capable round ever developed for the platform.
I just built a Grendel. I also have a 6.8 SPC II, a 300 BLK carbine and a 300 BLK pistol. No 5.56 in sight.
Bought a 20″ Grendel upper last month. Hoping for a break in the weather soon to see what it’ll do. High expectations based on most of what I’ve read.
There are many manufacturers of 6.8SPC magazines, they are just steel, not polymer.
Also 6.5 Grendel is a better round past about 300yds. 6.5 Grendel also has less fragile bolts.
And steel cased ammo.
And close enough in hard hitting at close ranges.
6.5 Grendel, better round than 6.8SPC.
300BO, is not the equal to 6.5G, 6.8SPC or 7.62×39 for muzzle energy or close range energy. Typically 300BO is around 1300-1400ft-lbs, 6.5G, 6.8SPC and 7.62×39 are all roughly 1500-1650ft-lbs. It is only past about 75-100yds that 300BO delivers more energy than 7.62×39.
And at no range is 300BO more energetic than 6.8/6.5. It does have subsonic going for it. That is about it. I guess for very short range work (under 100yds) it might be a better options, but a 123/130gr pill at about 2500-2600fps at 6.5/6.8mm in diameter is possibly a better option than a 110gr 7.62mm diameter bullet only traveling about 2200fps (and in both cases, the 300BO by 100yds is more like 2000fps and the 6.5 and 6.8 are still ticking along at 2350-2400fps).
The only polymer 6.8 SPC magazine I know of is unfortunately proprietary for LWRC’s Six8 series of rifles, and they had to change the interior dimensions of the lower and upper receivers to accommodate it. It is, however, a proper 30-rounder that fits well in AK pouches and allows COALs of 2.32″. The same would have to be done for any 6.5 Grendel poly mag for an AR-15, and the dimensional changes would be greater than the former. This is why I’ve been aching to see a mass-produced 6.5 Grendel AK — I’d snatch one up in a heartbeat if my budget allowed it.
As far as external ballistics goes, there’s no significant differences between the 6.5 G and 6.8 SPC until you get to 400-500 yards, and beyond that is where the 6.5 G really shines especially in a DMR application. Shifting to internal ballistics, the 6.5 G actually requires an AR-15 bolt to be blown out even further than for the 6.8 SPC, making them just as fragile without a thorough redesign because of it’s wider rim and base diameter.
The 6.8 is far more available in general, and the 6.5 G is only cheaper in its steel-cased variety. Indoor ranges in particular don’t seem to like steel-cased ammunition because it’s typically (but not always) loaded with bi-metal jacketed bullets, which pose a fire hazard for their bullet traps thanks to their propensity to spark.
You’ll get at least 200 FPS more velocity out of the 6.8 than the 6.5 G regardless of bullet weight or barrel length, so it’s always going to hit harder at close range.
6.8 SPC, better round than the 6.5 Grendel unless you want to reach out and touch someone.
What attracts people to the .300 BLK is the fact that you only have to change out a barrel to use it, and is close enough to the 7.62x39MM at short range for it not to matter all that much.
And x39 loaded warm with CFEBLK with to rule them all!
Did anyone ever try just sticking a 6.5mm bullet in a resized 5.56 case? Basically make a .264BLK? Seems you’d have a winner if you could get 95% or better of the performance of a 6.5G round but keep it as simple to convert as it is to go to a 300BLK. Also, whatever happened to the 6x45mm?
J.D. Jones and SSK Industries already did. It’s called the 6.5MM MPC.
The problem is case capacity. The Grendel bullet on average weighs twice what a 556 does (62g v 123g). Not enough powder to fling it. It’s why a grendel mag holds 25 rounds: bigger case with enough powder to provide the KE needed.
The 6.5 Grendel was considered, and even tested. Along with the 6.5 Creedmoor, but the 6.8 Spc. Bullet won out, the breech niche between the 5.56×45 Nato and the 7.62×51 Nato. But as a 6.8 CTA…
It’s amazing how the writer doesn’t realize the 6.8 SPC has nothing to do with the 6.8 caliber the army is working on.
Probably because the article was written 5 years ago.
Author conveniently forgot to mention 77grain 5.56 (only talks about 55 grain). Two other things.
1. 6.5 Grendel also exists.
2. POF just came out with a sub 7 pound AR10…. 308/7.62×51 also exists.
6.8 SPC is a great solution to a non-existent problem. At least 300.BLK works well suppressed/SBR.
For me .300blk makes sense when you consider it as part of a system–suppressed and unsuppressed SBR without needing an adjustable gas system. With my SBR it’s also the softest recoiling of the three mentioned in the article. Once you leave the system in some way it loses its attractiveness and utility.
I doubt .300blk will be accepted in the military due to safety reasons and because they don’t have to worry about the issues we do. For a civvie like me, though, it’s an awesome caliber and I love it!
The military has already accepted and been using 300BLK for getting close to a decade now. The only reason 300BLK is around is do to the US military.
DOD will have 40 watt plasma rifles before they drop 5.56mm. The 6.8 thing is some GO’s pet project that will hopefully get cancelled.
Ancient article. Apples vs oranges. No mention of 6.5 Grendel? Haha mkay!… 6.8 is dead in 2019. Grendel is still going strong!
“Kevin Brittingham, founder of AAC and godfather of the 300 BLK cartridge”
Actually the person that came up with the 300 BLK (AKA as 300 whisper) Is J.D. Jones.
300blk is available at my Walmart out here in AZ. Grant, you’ll only find one flavor of it there, but its still a Walmart.
6.5mm Grendel
Oh, just stop. Yes, you can boom 300 out of a 5.56 barrel. And yes, you can just as easily violate one of the four firearm safety rules. By the rational being punted around here, half you shouldn’t own a gun, let alone use 300blk for anything. AHMYGawdcouldfitinside556! Seriously.
You’re adults. Act like one and take responsibility for your own safety.
I would think 6.5 Grendel would be the best cartridge for regular infantry. M4s, SAWs, and even DMRs could be chambered for it. Much better lethality and range than the other candidates. The 300 BO would be ideal for Special Forces in clandestine ops requiring a lower signature. It could also be used for urban ops. I’d still prefer 6.5 G for that role with a suppressor. Especially, if encountering armored enemies.
What has me finally considering a 300 BO is it’s utility in short barrels on braced pistols, both sub and supersonic, at my real world ranges using bullets that are commonly available or easily cast, common powders and cast-off cases… 6.8 SPC doesn’t do most of that for all I can see. 300 BO seems like a reloaders dream cartridge. Am I wrong? Please convince me I don’t need one…
Easy call. 6.8.
I personally just don’t like the 556 bullet to light for brush type hunting I use a old norinco SKS little heavy that does not matter in tree stand and if I need a gun for longer distance hunting I break Out the old remington mod.760 in 30 06 because it comes in loads from 165 grain up and if I need anything different will hand load like I can do with 7.62×39 because they come in two weights 123 & 154 SP other than that its a 22 or shotgun or the AK and its a long barrel maddi
To me, the 300 BO, isn’t more than a good laugh. It “shines” subsonic?? LOL So does my 45 acp with the same weight bullet. But…. “It’ll shoot 110 gr bullets 2200 fps”… so will my 357 Mag rifle! LMAO!!! My 9 mm AR nearly does all this AND the rounds are interchangeable with my pistols!! ROTFLMAO!!! For the price of a 300 bo suppressor I just got 2000 rounds of 6.8 SSA BTHP and ear muffs.
Did not get it
Lost me with that “snowflake” parts bs when referring to the 6.8. What are we .. in the 5th grade. If you can’t stick to logical facts there must be a reason.
I got a Anderson am15 6.8 spc II. After shooting this gun I had to sell my diamond back 5.56. this 6.8 Is the most accurate gun I ever shot. It’s light , I can shoot 500 yards willout bullet dropping any. Useing Remington premier Match 115gr matching bthp. For me being a smaller size fellow I love this gun and would take it any day over 5.56 or ak47.
Neither, go with 6.5 Grendel in an AR15 platform, it outperforms 6.8 and .300blk AND it is available from Wolf as affordable bulk steel case for $0.30-$0.35 a Rd vs $0.50+ for the least expensive.300blk and 6.8 costs even more. If 6mm ARC was available in steel case I would recommend that. 6.5G also shares mags and bolt face with 7.62×39 so you can use either barrel and have steel case that is the same or less than .223 steel case with similar performance to .300blk. So, 6.5G and 7.62×39 instead of 6.8spc or .300blk.
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